Home Consciousness The Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos): Honoring Our Ancestors and Our Dearly Departed

The Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos): Honoring Our Ancestors and Our Dearly Departed

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Honoring our ancestors and our dearly departed.

As many of you know, November 1st and 2nd is Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, a Mexican holiday celebrated in cultures around the world that honors and celebrates the lives of those who have passed.

It has its roots in the Aztec festival for the Goddess Mictecacihuatl, The Lady of the Dead, as well as Catholic origins from All Saints Day and All Souls Day.

It is also the Celtic and Pagan holiday of Samhain, when bonfires are lit to honor the dead and aid them on their journey. In many cultures, this time is a period where the veils between the worlds are the thinnest, so it is a perfect time for us to pause, honor, and pay homage to our ancestors and our loved ones who have passed on.

Traditionally, altars are created with offerings, or “ofrendas” of candles, flowers such as marigold, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed.

I encourage you today to create your own altar/offering to those whose lives have visibly or invisibly touched your own.

For in this web of life we are all connected, and we are here as a result of the efforts and energy of those who came before us. We are the torchbearers of this time, and as we honor and integrate the way our lives have been touched by others, we weave our own visions into this collective tapestry of unfoldment.

Consciousness does not die; it transforms. It may appear as death as one form eradicates to give way to a complete new one, but this is the cycle of life. And like every living thing on the planet, we too are a part of it.

So with devotion and with gratitude, call on your loved ones, your angels, and your ancestors to guide and watch over all of us during this time of collective transformation.

Our hearts united for a greater vision that honors and cares for our planet Earth and all of its inhabitants, activates the unifying field where we meet. We are all children of the Earth.

As we awaken to this truth, we awaken the need to care for our Earth and each other. We must each do our part. We have a voice. Connect to the stream of life within you, grow your roots deeper into this Earth, and call on the invisible realms, to our dearly departed, and to our ancestors for courage and vision.

~ Blessings to all ~

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