Home Consciousness Use These Crystals to Protect Yourself from the Effects of the First Mercury Retrograde of the Year

Use These Crystals to Protect Yourself from the Effects of the First Mercury Retrograde of the Year

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Oh, Mercury Retrograde: You’ve heard about it, you’ve dreaded it, and you’ve probably blamed it for everything. 

Spring and the Aries season are here! But this does not mean good news for everyone. For those who have been living under a rock, Mercury is in control of our communication and technology.

When Mercury retrogrades, it begins to impact all aspects of our lives. Mercury retrogrades are common, going 3–4 times every year. This time, the retrograde takes place in fiery Aries and dreamy Pisces.

Get ready for a cosmic challenge as Mercury retrograde in Aries and Pisces pushes you to expand your horizons and embrace bold ideas!

As Mercury travels into the underworld, we have a unique opportunity to delve into our own shadow side. This is a time to confront our fears, wounds, and painful memories, allowing them to surface for reflection. By embracing them with compassion and self-love, we can ultimately release what no longer serves us.

While this journey may seem daunting and uneasy, it can lead to immense rewards as we emerge with a deeper understanding of who we are.

With Mercury influencing communication, this period serves as a vital detox from the muddled, low-vibrational energies that may have accumulated within us. It’s an opportunity to uncover profound mental clarity and strengthen our inner voice.

Discover three carefully selected crystals designed to empower your journey through the energies of Mercury Retrograde, along with a meditation practice to enhance your experience.

Keep a check on yourself. And if you really want to stay protected, go for these crystals:

1. Chrysocolla


As the planet of communication enters its retrograde phase, there’s no better ally than Chrysocolla, the ultimate crystal for enhancing communication.

This captivating blue-green crystal reveals how we express our truth and whether it positively impacts our well-being. Since ancient times, Chrysocolla has been linked to every aspect of communication.

Throughout Mercury Retrogrades, various forms of miscommunication tend to occur with regularity. It’s essential to shift our attention inward and examine the patterns in our lives that may not be contributing to our greatest potential.

Chrysocolla empowers us to conquer the fear and anxiety that can arise from spending extended periods alone. This crystal is thought to inspire individuals to embrace moments of quiet reflection.

The soothing energies of Chrysocolla elevate our ability to express ourselves, ensuring that when Mercury moves direct once more, we can articulate our truths with both clarity and compassion.

For those who struggle to articulate their emotions or often suppress their feelings, Chrysocolla is the ideal crystal to embrace.

Chrysocolla empowers us to tap into our intuition and discover our inner guidance. It encourages us to listen to our inner voice, as each time we do, we are reestablishing our connection with our soul. This enables us to achieve healing at the most profound level.

Supports: communication, self-expression, and intuition.

2. Howlite


Mercury Retrograde invites us to shift our focus from action to introspection. This is a moment to reflect on our journey and assess if we are truly living in harmony with our soul’s purpose.

Embrace the courage and inner strength that come with the knowledge that when Mercury turns direct, we can initiate the essential changes and take decisive action to fulfill our soul’s deepest desires.

Utilizing a Howlite crystal can elevate this experience by providing us with clarity and tranquility. Howlite is a powerful crystal that promotes relaxation and helps us unwind after a long, stressful day. The soothing vibrations provide a calming effect, easing frayed nerves and harmonizing mood fluctuations.

Howlite serves as a powerful Crown Chakra crystal, making it an exceptional tool for channeling messages from higher realms. It serves as an energy filter, eliminating any residual low-vibrational energies.

Howlite aids in letting go of fears, phobias, and excessive thoughts. This crystal stands out as a top choice for profound healing and detoxification from past pain and trauma, which may be holding us back from progressing in life.

It allows us to rediscover the “lost parts” of our soul, often occurring after years of being disconnected from our authentic selves. It’s possible we’ve been tricking ourselves into thinking we need to accept something that has outlived its usefulness and is no longer elevating us. It’s no surprise that many of us are experiencing feelings of anxiety, fear, and sadness.

To attain true peace of mind, we must embark on a journey to rediscover our wholeness. Howlite serves as a bridge, guiding us back to the fragments of our soul that may feel lost. It allows us to recognize our inherent value and embrace ourselves exactly as we are. This marks the start of genuine healing.

Supports: self-reflection, mental clarity, and healing.

3. Shungite


Shungite stones are renowned for their ability to shield against electromagnetic fields (EMFs). To maximize your protection, consider positioning a Shungite pyramid or stone on your work desk, close to electronic devices in your office, or even directly on your cell phone. Taking this step can significantly reduce the mental fog and lack of clarity that often arise from excessive phone or screen time.

Mercury Retrograde offers a unique opportunity to explore our inner depths. Utilizing a Shungite stone can guide us through this challenging period.

This stone excels at removing energetic blockages that might be holding us back from fully embracing life. It allows us to let go of pent-up emotions like anger, guilt, and fear.

Often, fear wears a mask of anger or judgment. We frequently find ourselves reacting with anger to situations beyond our control.

Embracing the unknown can evoke a sense of fear. Letting go of our instinct to maintain control can be challenging, yet there are moments when life calls for us to detach from the results.

Shungite has the power to illuminate our deepest emotions, bringing them into the clarity of our awareness. This approach empowers us to let go of harsh self-judgments and effectively halt self-sabotaging actions before they take hold.

Shungite serves as a potent grounding stone, and it’s clear that we could all benefit from a little extra stability, particularly during Mercury Retrograde.

Supports: effects of technology, clearing energy blocks, and grounding

Be armed with these wonderful crystals. The Mercury Retrograde, therefore, can’t do you any harm.

Mercury Retrograde Crystal Meditation Practice

1. Select two out of these three crystals and hold one in each hand.

2. Eliminate the noise in your mind by focusing your attention on your breath.

3. Experience a profound sense of peace and balance enveloping you.

4. Imagine yourself surrounded by a warm, bright light. Experience the purifying, nourishing, and rejuvenating power of this light as it revitalizes every cell in your body. Feel the way it melts away your fears, worries, stress, and anxiety.

5. Awaken your senses and embrace these powerful affirmations as often as you desire:

  • I am enveloped in safety and protection.
  • My body is at ease, and my mind is serene.
  • I am grounded and tranquil, liberated from worries and fears.

Even though Mercury Retrograde is often viewed negatively, let’s embrace it as a hidden opportunity for growth.

Let’s seize this incredible chance to reflect on how we are harnessing our personal power and shaping our own reality.

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