Home Consciousness September’s Full Harvest Moon in Pisces Is a Harbinger of Change & Freedom

September’s Full Harvest Moon in Pisces Is a Harbinger of Change & Freedom

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by Conscious Reminder

The full moon in September, often referred to as the harvest moon, carries a rich history and significance.

The harvest moon derives its name from the harvest season, which symbolizes abundance and gratitude. This moon has a unique spiritual resonance, inviting reflection on nature’s cycles and the energies of completion and fulfillment. Its frequency encourages us to connect deeply with the earth and our own personal harvests, both tangible and intangible.

In the distant past, humanity found its rhythm in the cycles of the moon, embracing the celestial dance rather than the artificial constructs of modern calendars. The moon served as a celestial marker for the passage of time. The 29-day cycle, along with its four primary phases, serves as a profound reflection of our own menstrual rhythms, becoming essential to our strategies and endeavors.

Each full moon graced the sky at various times throughout the year, casting its luminous glow upon a landscape that transformed uniquely with each lunar phase. The hues of the foliage, the shifting temperatures, the fauna’s behaviors, the blossoming flowers, and humanity’s endeavors all underwent transformation. This variation spread across diverse communities in different regions of the world. Each full moon has been bestowed with a name that reflects the essence of the season it graces.

Continue your exploration to uncover the profound significance of the September full harvest moon and discover ways to honor it through meaningful rituals.

What Exactly is the Full Harvest Moon in September?

It is also known as barley moon, leaf moon, and yellow moon.

The full harvest moon of September derives its name from the illuminating glow it casts, allowing farmers to toil into the night, gathering their crops such as root vegetables, beans, and grains under its watchful presence. In the realm of agriculture, contemporary practices embrace the use of artificial lighting, a luxury that was not available to our ancestors in earlier times.

The harvest moon takes its name from the notable transition from the warmth of late summer to the embrace of autumn, signifying the abundant harvest of produce available during this time. Ancient traditions would transform these into delightful jams, tangy chutneys, and savory pickles, carefully preserving them to sustain through the long, chilly winter months that lie ahead.

This period invites you to honor the abundance that has manifested in your life. The harvest moon gracefully aligns with Mabon, marking the sacred moment of the autumn equinox. The cosmic energies are shifting, inviting us to journey inside once more. It is a time for reflection and gratitude, to honor the blessings in our lives. We are encouraged to seek harmony and release what no longer resonates with our true selves.

What Sign Is the Full Harvest Moon in September?

The upcoming harvest moon graces the ethereal realm of Pisces, a sign renowned for its charm, compassion, and boundless creativity. The harvest moon in Pisces, influenced by its deeply sentimental and spiritual essence, heralds a time of growth in the realms of art and entertainment. It also brings forth a surge of interest in religious and spiritual practices, accompanied by an elevation of the senses.

When Is the Full Harvest Moon in September?

This year, keep an eye out for September’s full Harvest Moon, which will grace the sky just after sunset on Tuesday, September 17, or late into the night on Wednesday, September 18, depending on your time zone. Peak illumination occurs at 10:34 p.m. ET (4:34 a.m. CET). This year, we’re treated to a spectacular Supermoon!

The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Harvest Moon in September

Let Go

The primary spiritual significance of the September full harvest moon is the release of what no longer benefits us. These can include patterns, beliefs, habits, clothing, places, and people. What once helped you a year or even a month ago may no longer be effective today. This is a significant growth outcome. By letting go of what no longer serves us, we create an opportunity for greater possibilities to enter our lives.

To achieve this, we need to let go, relinquish control, and embrace the uncertain space between what we’ve left behind and what we have yet to discover.

What seems to be reaching its natural conclusion?

It’s time to release. Express gratitude for the journey that brought you here, and bid it farewell with elegance and certainty.


The harvest moon embodies a powerful spiritual theme of balance, beautifully highlighted by the autumn equinox and the sun residing in the sign of Libra.

Each year, we experience two equinoxes, moments when day and night share equal duration. Now is the ideal moment to illuminate every aspect of your life and explore opportunities for greater balance.

Achieving a flawless balance is simply unattainable. Explore the areas where you feel drained or require additional nourishment and support. What is the balance between what you contribute and what you gain in return?

Achieving greater balance and harmony in our lives enhances our connection to ourselves and our spirit, strengthens our relationships with others, boosts our health, ignites our creativity, and paves the way for transformation.

Gratitude & Appreciation

The harvest full moon invites you to embrace and celebrate the abundance that surrounds you today. What have you brought into your life since Imbolc? How many of your aspirations and dreams have come true?

Seek out the blessings in your life, and you’ll find yourself brimming with gratitude.

Express your gratitude for everything around you, for the things that are thriving, and for the beauty and abundance you have received during the September full moon.


After immersing yourself in gratitude, take a moment to celebrate all the amazing things that surround you. Grand celebrations marked the arrival of the harvest moon and equinox in ancient times, featuring a lavish feast that highlighted the bountiful seasonal crops. You can celebrate this full moon however you like (more ideas at the end of this article).

Slow Down

The harvest moon’s ultimate spiritual significance invites you to look within, take a step back, embrace a slower pace, and cultivate a deeper sense of tranquility in your life. As we move through this season in the northern hemisphere, the days begin to wane, giving way to longer, more tranquil nights. As darkness envelops us and a chill creeps into the air, we transition into the season of shadows.

This is a moment for reduced hustle, increased rejuvenation, and leisurely mornings. Starting new projects and launching fresh offerings is certainly within your reach. However, it’s essential to carve out time for self-reflection, contemplation, and rejuvenation. Nurture yourself and replenish your energy.

Harnessing the Energy of the Full Harvest Moon in September

Crafting a ceremony and immersing myself in ritual during the new or full moon is a passion of mine. To guide my practices, I harness the distinct energy and essence of the moon.

Discover inspiring ways to celebrate the harvest moon in the comfort of your home, and fully embrace the vibrant energy of the full moon.

Discover some enchanting rituals to celebrate the September full harvest moon right at home:

Transform your altar into a stunning autumnal display by incorporating rich hues—burnt oranges, honey and caramel browns, earthy reds, and deep greens. Venture outdoors to gather fallen leaves, nuts, seasonal fruits, and flowers, and enhance your collection with crystals such as amber, citrine, garnet, and tiger’s eye. Set up all these items (and anything else that inspires you) on your altar, then light a candle on the night of the full moon.

Express your appreciation—create a list of what you’re grateful for, or come together with your loved ones in a circle to take turns sharing and reveling in each other’s abundance.

Gather fresh seasonal produce—whether you’re plucking fruits and vegetables from your own garden or visiting your nearby farmer’s market to load up on delightful seasonal treats. Transform your gathered ingredients into a mouthwatering, seasonal feast for yourself or a lively gathering of friends.

Reflect on what you want to let go of during this Full Harvest Moon. Let your thoughts and feelings flow freely to uncover the clarity you need about what no longer benefits you.

Embrace the beauty of nature by presenting a heartfelt offering to the Earth. Gather foraged fruits, vegetables, nuts, and flowers, and express your gratitude for the bountiful gifts that surround you today.

Embrace your creativity and draw inspiration from the stunning beauty of nature around you. Whether you choose to paint, sing, dance, write, or bake, let your artistic spirit flourish.

Celebrate the September Full Harvest Moon

With a deeper understanding of the spiritual significance of the September harvest full moon, may you find joy in celebrating it through a beautiful ritual that invites balance and harmony into your life.

Wishing You a Happy Full Moon!

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