Home Consciousness Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, September 17, 2024, Delivers a Special Message from the Universe for 4 Zodiacs

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, September 17, 2024, Delivers a Special Message from the Universe for 4 Zodiacs

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Your Message from the Universe:

Return deep within.

“Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.”

Anaïs Nin

Embrace the flow of the universe and invite positivity into your life.

Today, September 17, there will be a full moon in the sign of Pisces. If you wish upon a star or a full moon, you can be certain that the universe will recognize and grant your wishes.

In the process of seeking answers through astrology, we discover that days such as this one are days in which we are able to recognize what the universe is attempting to convey to us as well. During the Full Moon in Pisces, we are able to communicate with the source of power.

This day will leave four zodiac signs feeling a little more informed than they did before, and the information that we receive will truly benefit our lives in the days that are to come with the information that we receive. The signs are interpreted differently by each of us as individuals, so not everyone receives the same message. As goodness tries to reach us, we must keep an open mind and allow it to happen.

Given the diverse range of aspects, let’s delve into the depths and explore what lies ahead.

These four zodiac signs are the ones who will receive a special message from the Universe on September 17, 2024:

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Whenever there is a Full Moon, we discover that this is the time of culmination, which means that whatever we have been looking for or requesting comes to us during this particular manifestation of the moon. In addition, the Full Moon in Pisces has the added quality of bringing peace to an end, regardless of what that peace may actually be.

Regarding your situation, Taurus, it appears that the universe is attempting to convey a message that only you are capable of comprehending. This is because you may discover that certain individuals in your life do not necessarily comprehend what is taking place. However, the particular signs and signals that you are able to recognize are the ones that make sense to you.

During this particular Full Moon, you are able to obtain what you desire, and it also enables you to comprehend the reasons behind your current success and the ways in which you can utilize it in the future. You are the only person who knows what this information is, but you are also a bright and intelligent person, and as soon as you receive it, you will know what to do with this universal message.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

There have been times when you have entertained the idea that you might be psychic. You do appear to have a sixth sense; you are able to pick up on things that other people are unable to, and when the Full Moon is in Pisces, this quality appears to be strengthened. September 17th demonstrates to you that you are, in some sense, magical.

Your magical senses should be trusted, and you should follow them. This is something that the universe wants you to know. This is not to suggest that you should “look both ways before crossing,” but rather that you should follow your heart’s guidance. If your heart is telling you to go, then you should go.

There is something here that is worth investigating, and for you, Leo, this is a day that not only puts you in touch with your power but also demonstrates that you are not off base; there is something here that is worthy of looking into. Trusting in one’s gut instincts is a significant component of the power that comes along with the Full Moon in Pisces.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You have been considering the concept that the universe is sending you a specific and personal message that resonates with you, especially since you have been open to signs and seeking support from the cosmos. Your good fortune lies in the fact that the Full Moon in Pisces is currently available to you, as this transit will bring you the message that you require to hear.

At this point, it is time for you to get serious about healing. You’ve endured a great deal, and you’ve accepted the notion that you should persevere through it all, as though it’s your right. That is not the case, Libra. Perhaps you made a mistake, but you don’t have to live with it forever.

On this day, the message that you receive is the one that makes it abundantly clear to you that it is time to make the necessary adjustments in order to have a better day. Put another way, the Full Moon in Pisces represents a broken door and a path out of the situation. No more melancholy… it’s time to make some changes in your environment, Libra.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You have always believed in miracles, and you have no shame about standing alone in your beliefs; you are fine “as is,” and no one is ever going to take that away from you. You have always believed in miracles. You come to realize that you are perfect in your current state and that the universe praises you for the way that you maintain your attitude.

Given that you believe in magical thinking, it should come as no surprise that you would seek support from the Full Moon in Pisces. This day seems appropriate when it comes to matters such as prayer fulfillment and guidance. Aquarius, all of the universe is looking out for you.

Because of your singularity, not everyone can comprehend you. Despite the fact that this does not always make things simpler for you, you are still your own unique individual. If you put your faith in yourself and do things the way you want to, you will discover how much fun it is. This type of individualism is something that the universe wants you to know it recognizes and supports.

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