by Conscious Reminder Did you know that certain numbers carry with them spiritual significance? For eg., Four (4) is the digit of “being”, it establishes an intimate connection between the mind, …
by Conscious Reminder We all know how the road to spiritual awakening can be quite a difficult process, and sometimes when you manage to achieve it, other things may become harder and …
by Conscious Reminder Leaving any relationship can be a bit of an issue- for there are both pros and cons to that. While we would like nothing better than to listen …
by Conscious Reminder As a kid, I thought that God was an omnipotent being, residing in heaven and passing judgement on our worthiness to enter His realm. Even way back then, …
by Conscious Reminder This world has given us many gifts and it is important that we know how to use them. The minerals hidden deep under the ground possess a lot …
by Conscious Reminder Distance is a worry for many these days. Due to advances in communication, we can now talk to people who live in different countries by just tapping a …
by Conscious Reminder Yoga is one of those eternally old things from an ancient civilization that the Occidental world has borrowed and made its own. It is a system of healing that …
by Conscious Reminder Not everyone desires to be in a relationship. People are very whimsical and it is very difficult to read someone’s mind. Some girls love being single. There’s More …
How To Recognize That Your Guardian Angels Are Protecting You When You Are In Danger
by Conscious Reminder Everyone has a guardian angel, who takes care of them. While they may be invisible to all of us, they are always present, hovering around in the atmosphere, …
by Ainsley Lawrence, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Veganism is nothing new. However, “going vegan” has become more prevalent in recent years for various reasons. Some people want to reduce their carbon footprint. …