Home Spirituality Birds Carry Spiritual Messages For You

Birds Carry Spiritual Messages For You

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

As a kid, I thought that God was an omnipotent being, residing in heaven and passing judgement on our worthiness to enter His realm.

Even way back then, I wanted to know more about God and spirituality and so I asked Him how was He present everywhere at all times. The reply that came back to me was, surprisingly enough, birds. 

From then onwards, I saw birds as the instruments of God. I thought that they delivered news to God about human interactions, daily. As scary as this may sound, at that time, I didn’t fear them at all. Once I got what I wanted, I just went on with life like nothing had happened. 

Now that I’ve grown up, I’m no longer convinced that birds are part of God’s espionage system or that He’s an almighty being in the clouds. However, I now think that birds have a lot of importance in spirituality and that they respond to the changes in our own energies. 

Looking back at history, we can see people who had believed that birds do carry messages and are in ways similar to Angels. Certain traits and characteristics have been attributed to certain birds.

Doves, for one, are said to be messengers of peaceful times. Crows are seen as signs of bad luck and misfortune. Hummingbirds indicate happiness and eagles are symbols of the strong and powerful.

Owls are thought to be very wise. Many cultures have used birds as symbols and if you do a little more research, you’ll find some symbol associated with almost every bird you can think of. 

Birds as usually considered sacred because they can soar into the skies and gain knowledge from areas inaccessible to us. They are also thought to be containers for souls when they pass on. It is said that when someone you care about has died, and wants to speak with you, they can ask a bird to carry their soul back to earth. 

There are also other creatures such as butterflies and dragonflies who serve the same purpose but people usually believe that spotting a bird soon after a person’s death is the dead person communicating with them. 

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the bird is an incarnation of the dead person. It could be, although mostly it is just their soul being carried by the bird that has permitted them to enter its body. 

Besides soul, even angels and other spiritual beings are carried by birds when they wish to communicate with anyone in the physical realm.

In my case, when my sister died, a particular pigeon started visiting my house regularly. I didn’t think much of it in the beginning because pigeons are always flying around the area but this one pigeon was unusually pretty and friendly and it loved watching me as I went about my work. 

I always thought my sister would choose a more exciting bird but seeing the pigeon come so regularly, I began to think about what it could mean. Once I opened up my mind to the thought, I began to get a lot of indications, both in real life and in my dreams, that my sister was sending me a message. 

Even the most ordinary birds can carry messages from across the veil. History shows us that pigeons were first used as messengers because they were intelligent enough to drop off a short note even across many miles. They are also believed to be a sign of love and a message that the person you cared about is happy and well cared for in the afterlife. 

And so, when a bird gets close to you next, focus and try to sense whether they wish to communicate anything to you. 

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