Have you ever seen the etheric cord that connects you to every thing on this planet? You may get a glimpse of it every now and again, especially in your …
These 3 Signs Will Have The Best Love Life In August & They’re Likely Already Feeling It
Summer love is the best kind of love, but how do we know if it’s the right time? Truth is, there’s only one way to find out, but rest assured, these …
6 Ways To Prevent Mercury In Retrograde From Totally Destroying Your Life
By Marissa Miller It’s not ALL bad. Are you freaking the eff out about Mercury in retrograde? Or, do you even know what that really means? No, it’s not the zombie …
by Conscious Reminder Welcome fellow seekers to a new lesson on magic and mysticism! It is time we speak about the charm of rings. Have you ever considered the shape …
Life is a weird thing. You go out of your house one day with one kind of mood and you come back with an altogether different set of things to …
Losing A Parent Can Have A Deep Impact On Your Brain And Mental Health
by Conscious Reminder Grief has no differentiation because it is an emotion that cannot be quantified in any way. We all know that losing a loved one can cause one …
The 15 Most Beautiful Places On Earth That Often Lead To Life Transformation When Visited!
Feeling stressed out has become an inevitable part of modern life. Carrying the burden of stress often leads to exhaustion and depression. Experiencing adventure in life is one way to …
by Soul Guidance There are several systems, doctrines, and philosophies that have their own classification and names for the different bodies of man. Aside from some minor details they all …
by Conscious Reminder It is already the eighth month of the year, and yeah, it cannot be denied that it almost feels crazy. The year has been nothing short of …
by Conscious Reminder Mercury is named after the speedy messenger god Mercury from the myths of Rome. It is named for good reason to as it completes a single revolution …