Having met your twin flame and then getting separated again can feel like the harshest punishment that a person is made to suffer. I know because I have lived through …
Capricorn Full Moon Ritual 2018: Feel The Connection With The Strawberry Moon
by Conscious Reminder The Capricorn Full Moon will happen on the 28th of June, 2018. This moon is also known as the Strawberry Moon because it marks the perfect time …
by Conscious Reminder We all know how important spirituality is in our lives… It is the deepest connection that a soul experiences and it is absolutely different from the connections …
Scientists Find “Evidence” Of A Multidimensional Universe INSIDE Our Brain
An exciting discovery has been made by scientists as they have uncovered that the human brain contains structures and shapes that may have up to eleven dimensions. Neuroscientists welcome the findings saying: “We …
by Conscious Reminder The power and illumination of the moon enlightens and enriches our lives. It showers us with good wishes and blessings. On June 28, 2018, there is going …
by Conscious Reminder Aries- She will simply tell you. The fact she hasn’t, means that she’s not that into you. She is confident and secure enough to speak what’s on …
by Conscious Reminder It has always been mentioned in the ancient scriptures that one action that brings people closer to their spirituality, to the presence of God, is gardening. People, …
by Dane Arr, Prepareforchange.net I regularly search for information Prepare For Change light workers can resonate with as they work on the planet. What I have found below is excellent and …
by Conscious Reminder Soul connections are incredibly unique and rare. You almost always know when you are experiencing this incredible event. The sheer spiritual potential of such a union is …
The June Full Moon falls on the 28th in the earth sign of Capricorn. Grounded, stable, and hard working are key words for this Full Moon, and this is exactly …