By ElaineMARK Do you see repeating numbers on the clock, in addresses or in other coincidental ways that are too eerie to ignore? When this happens for me, I know the …
On the 9th of December 2017 at 8:59 UT Mars entered Scorpio, its second House, according to the traditional astrology. It will remain there until the 26th of January 2018 …
Millennials Are Going Through A “Quarter-Life Crisis” And Here’s Why It’s Not Such A Bad Thing
by Conscious Reminder We all are familiar with the midlife crisis which strikes the middle-aged people. The term creates a mental imagery of a dependable father and husband who suddenly …
New Moon In Sagittarius December 18th – What Is Essential Is Invisible To The Eye
by Astro Butterfly The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place on 18th of December 2017 at 26° Sagittarius, exactly in the middle of the Galactic Center. The Galactic Center is the center of our …
The Feminine Moon Cycle and Its Spiritual Significance
by Conscious Reminder Unlike contemporary western rejection of the female moon-cycle, in ancient times menstruating women were worshiped and celebrated. Ancient Taoist and Egyptian rituals included use of menstrual blood …
Everything in life is made up of energy. As people, we all resonate at various frequencies throughout the day and over the course of our lives. That experience we have …
Astrology Says There Are 8 Cycles Of Life And Each Is Strongly Influenced By A Different Planet
Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and other planets have a big influence on your life. However, in certain periods, they have an absolute impact on your behavior and decisions that you …
Sagittarius New Moon On December 18th, 2017 – Get Ready For A Long-Term Commitment
by Conscious Reminder This December 18th the New Moon rises in Sagittarius at 26 degrees; flaunted on one side by Saturn and on the other by Venus. And saving this combination …
Saturn Enters The Sign Of Capricorn December 19th — Get Ready For A Cycle Of Achievements!
The planet Saturn is making its way into Capricorn. With this, we will experience some new energy shifts. This is not going to be like the other shifts because it …
by Tiara Kumara When we come across the terms ‘Divine Consciousness’, ‘unified field’ or even ‘multidimensional perception’, we don’t have to go so far from home to understand what these seemingly …