What is an Animal Totem? The phrase “animal totem” literally means a symbolic representation of your animal guide; such as a crest, a totem pole, an emblem, a small figurine, …
Money & Spirituality – 5 Common Abundance Blocks & How To Transcend Them
What Is Money? Money is a touchy topic for many given we live in a world where most of us have been programmed to buy into the belief that there …
Have you tried all types of grounding or protective techniques, as an Empath, and find nothing works? Or have you found you are more negatively affected when spending time around …
15 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From The ‘Father’ Of Motivation, Wayne Dyer
There are people in this world who can touch our hearts in really profound and meaningful ways, and that’s exactly the impact Wayne Dyer had on me. Wayne W. Dyer, …
Have We Met Before?: What It’s Like To Experience Love Déjà Vu
In French, the words “déjà vu” translate to “already seen.” I’ve always known déjà vu can happen in dreams. But I never dreamed that it could happen when you meet someone in real …
by Conscious Reminder Our lives are all intertwined. Logic dictates that we all influence each other. But where is the line where we stop being ourselves, and what happens then? …
Pick An Angels Script Symbol To Reveal Your Spirit Message: Theth — Pain When there is doubt and anxiety in your life remember that your negative thoughts are in your …
Our zodiac signs reflect a lot about our personality and who we are – especially when we believe it. We all have compatible people in our lives, and sometimes their …
by soulandspiritmagazine We’ve heard it all. Some people just don’t understand us. But lucky for you, we here on Soul & Spirit know exactly what you’re going through. That’s why we’ve rounded up …
By Brianna Wiest 1. They have a strong sense of identity. They know who they are, which means they also know – specifically – what they do and do not want in …