In the philosophy of the I Ching, human beings stand with one foot in heaven and one foot on earth. Keeping ourselves in balance in relation to these two realms …
by Conscious Reminder In a world where being tough is a must and “sensitivity” is frowned upon and looked at like a weakness, Being born a Cancer Sun can be …
by Conscious Reminder Aries (March 21st to April 19th) When it comes to you, people are not really sure what to feel or think. Your constant movement and passion for discovering …
by Morag 444 Lightworker activation is being triggered. Lightworkers, volunteers, earth warriors embrace, activate and integrate upgrades. Its time to lose the avatars. Ditch the masks. Embody truth. Buckle up …
In a person’s personal pursuit of understanding why we exist and what this life is, they have to wonder how the innocent can suffer so much in this world if …
Experts Claim If You Can Find Your Name In This Puzzle You Have An Above Average Functioning Brain
It is always good to take a break from the challenging things that you do on a daily basis and look at something entertaining on the internet because our brains …
Before Sigmund Freud and all the others that came after him, people’s idea of the mind was simple: perhaps Rene Descartes said it well enough with “I think, therefore, I …
Psychic Self-Defense: How To Protect Yourself From Curse
Have you been cursed? Voodoo? Someone put a spell on you? How do you protect yourself from potential curses? Learning to psychically defend yourself is part of becoming a spiritually …
by Conscious Reminder Today I received some insight and an urge to reach out and touch the masculine energy, which I sense right now is struggling to come to terms …
by Conscious Reminder “Do you know why they treated clairvoyants and astrologers so cruelly in the Bible?”-I asked the woman who was reading the cards in front of me. “Probably …