by Conscious Reminder The (I)dentity is the bondage. This is the limit of the human condition because the extraordinary happens beyond the Ego’s reality. The creation of the “I” We …
Years before my baby girl was born, I had a dream that I had a daughter. She came to me and gave me a hug, told me I was her …
Aries (March 21st to April 19th) Stop being so impulsive and learn to think your decisions through thoroughly. You will feel less regret that way. Taurus (April 20th to May …
“I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” ~Albert Einstein In times of extreme connectedness, we may find it hard to …
Many people from all walks of life have been reaching out to me with questions and complaints about strange “symptoms” they’ve been experiencing on and off, sometimes feeling like they …
A Man Sees a Poor Little Girl and Asks God: ‘How Could You Let This Happen’? God Answers…
by Conscious Reminder Once upon a time, a wise man started doubting God’s kindness. Whenever he looked around, he only pain and suffering. He felt abandoned, hopeless, powerless… Once, while …
by Conscious Reminder 1. Look for opportunities You can’t be brave, patient and reliable if you only complain about your life and feel sorry for yourself. The only thing you …
Crystals attract both positive and negative energy from things around them, especially if they are in direct contact with them. For this reason, we need to cleanse our crystals, both …
Two Giant Underwater Crystal Pyramids Discovered in the Center of the Bermuda Triangle
With the use of sonar, oceanographer Dr. Meyer Verlag discovered giant glass pyramids at a depth of two-thousand meters. The use of other devices have allowed scientists to determine that …
“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.” ―Anne Sexton This morning I was picking up a few grocery items at a local convenience store when an …