Cats, like people, can be mercurial and unpredictable. Each cat is unique. I didn’t know any cats well growing up, but developed an appreciation for them in my late 20’s. …
Nine distinct personality types make humanity very special, not only in their interactions with each other, but within themselves. Synchronicity ties them all together in a beautiful system that makes everything …
Do you consider yourself a spiritual seeker? If you consider yourself a spiritual seeker, someone who passionately cares about and pursues inner truth, you are not alone. In a UCLA …
The Invisible Thread Between Two People Who Are Meant to Be Together
Legend has it that there’s an intangible string of fate that binds two people destined to be together. Those connected are bound regardless of time, place, or circumstance. Nothing can …
Nostradamus prophecies have baffled experts down the ages with their astonishing accuracy – and as 2017 dawns we look at what the fabled sooth sayer has in store for us …
Those of us who belong to communities of faith can attest to the truth that children have vibrant spiritual lives and seek to know God after their own fashion. As …
The Ultimate Mystery Behind The Number 9 Finally REVEALED!
Number 9 holds within it a powerful resonance within our holofractographic, base -10 reality. Nine is the largest number in the decimal system. Nine is really the largest number of all, …
Let Go of Your Worries – Everything Goes According to Plan – The Master One
By Conscious Reminder Georgiy Nikolaevich Sytin, a Russian scientist, with a PhD in medicine, psychology, pedagogy and philosophy, has developed a technique on self-realization with the help of your own …
Dreaming is good…but making your dreams come true is better. :: CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19 It’s hard to find some quiet emotional space these days and even little things …
Discover How To Activate The Hidden Supernatural Powers Of Your Third Eye – The Pineal Gland!
How to activate your Pineal Gland? In order for us to tap into our deepest states of intuition, intelligence and spiritual enlightenment, it is necessary to unlock and activate our brain’s …