The numbers 3333 meaning sequences have a special significance, they are either dual or amplified messages from your spirit guides. There are numerous times when sequences of numbers show up …
Aries Least Compatible Signs: Cancer, Capricorn Opposite Sign: Libra Aries, the Ram, is a fire sign. The least compatible zodiac signs with Aries are Cancer (water) and Capricorn (earth). In …
Many people with sixth sense abilities have had clairvoyant visions of what has been called “cities of light”. These are based on how some fifth dimensional beings currently live in …
“Dimensions are not places or locations, but levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. The higher we vibrate, the more dimensions we consciously experience.” What Does It Mean …
2222 meaning – The Significance of The Numbers 2222 you should know. Did you know seeing sequences of numbers have a very important meaning? Often these are messages from your …
No one forgives with more grace and love than a child… The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their …
Our teachers, guardians and friends Archangels are extraordinary beings, extensions of God himself, personifying his grace and majesty and power. All the archangels are healers. They come as master surgeons …
Psychologists Think That ADHD And ADD Sufferers Might Actually Be Indigo Children
American psychologists say children diagnosed as ADHD or ADD sufferers may actually be Indigo Children. A great number of medical professionals have dismissed the traditional ADHD diagnoses associated with long – term …
We know by now that various governmental institutions have spilled the beans regarding the existence of UFOs, but the Chinese want to break the ice and expose it all. Because …
This Is Exactly Why Nikola Tesla Told Us To Study The ‘Non Physical’
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla If you …