by Purusha, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder We’re living in an ever-changing world that is getting stranger and stranger. It’s important to ground ourselves internally to cope with all the fluctuations in …
by Conscious Reminder You might not know me but I’ve been with you ever since you were born and I will never leave you, even after death, for I am your …
by RJ Spina Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Karma is a term that has been used by many civilizations to explain or rationalize, in the of simplest terms, the notion of …
How To Survive The Last Mercury Retrograde Of 2017 (For Each Zodiac Sign)
by JESSICA BOOTH Prepare yourselves — Mercury is officially in retrograde. From Dec. 3 to Dec. 22, Mercury retrograde is here to make trouble during the holiday season. With Mercury retrograde happening during …
“Gaslighting”: A Mind Game That Abusers Use To Make Their Victims Feel Crazy
Have you ever felt like you were going insane? Well, it might be because someone was trying to make you feel that way. One of the most common ways abusers …
Your Spirit Guide May Contact You In Each One Of These 4 Situations
by Conscious Reminder We all have spirit guides and guardian angels around us. They protect and take care of us as much as they can. They also guide us and …
Are You Ready For A Massive Energy Shift? Saturn In Capricorn 2017-2020
by Tanaaz Saturn has been twirling through the zodiac, visiting foreign constellations and imparting its wisdom so we can gain a deeper understanding of who we really are. Now after …
23 Strange Human Emotions That People Feel but Find Difficult to Explain
by Conscious Reminder Well, isn’t it difficult to talk about emotions? And it is not like we cannot talk about emotions but the fact that sometimes we cannot describe the emotions …
The reason is unknown, but there is a high possibility that people born in the same month have some personality features in common as well. What could make different girls …
10 Essential Traits Every Empath Must Manage Or They Will Needlessly Suffer
Empaths are basically people who feel the world too much. They have a heightened empathy and a hyper perception of emotions, no matter if they are conscious of this or …