by Conscious Reminder The change in consciousness from a low vibration to a high vibration is called ‘Vibrational Shift’. It is usually seen when a person goes through spiritual awakening. …
Bragging about yourself isn’t cute. You know how there’s always someone in your life who considers themselves to be the World’s Greatest Authority on Everything? Well, there may be a …
by Sigmund Fraud The human condition at present is one of slavery, a new kind of slavery, where bondage is psychological and spiritual rather than physical. Human consciousness is the target …
by Cafe Astrology The NEW MOON occurs on Saturday, November 18th, 2017, at 6:42 AM EST. On Saturday morning, the New Moon is exact in the sign of Scorpio. This cycle is good for …
Conjunction Of Venus And Jupiter November 13/14, 2017 – A Spectacular Cosmic Encounter
by Tanaaz On November 13-14th, Venus and Jupiter are going to cross paths in the sign of Scorpio, sending waves of abundant and loving energy to all of us. Venus …
by Conscious Reminder The ability to get a glimpse of other people’s emotional energy can drain and upset you, so it may be perceived as a bane sometimes but it actually …
Do you suspect that you or someone close to you may be an empath? Empaths are able to make special connections with the people around them. An empath can sense …
by Conscious Reminder Did you know that your Soul communicates with you? Yes, it does. In this modern world, we are so worried about our material possessions. We are so …
Our doubt concerning our self-worth is the main obstacle to our emotional and inter-relational harmony. This doubt is the cause of our greatest fears such as being rejected, laughed at, …
by Conscious Reminder Spiritual people often find themselves isolated from others. Being a spiritually developed being, they find it hard to associate with those who aren’t on the same spiritual …