by Max and Lana The last six to eight years have brought a lot of change for many people, especially for those who feel that there is a big change …
Everyone is talking about the coming “Great American Eclipse” with a path of totality that makes landfall exclusively within the U.S., making it the first such eclipse since 1918, 99 year ago. …
A galactic tidal wave of divine light is descending upon earth, raising the frequency. The old reality is ending. We will experience a dynamic re-calibration of electromagnetic fields into Earth …
Many years ago, a friend showed me some pictures of a friend of hers; we will call him Guy. They were the best pictures I have ever seen of energy …
Come home to yourself. Observe yourself. That’s why self-observation is such a delightful and extraordinary thing. After a while you don’t have to make any effort, because, as illusions begin …
by Angel V. Ornedo Jr., Guest writer, PASSING OF LOWER 3D GOING 5D People of the world will rise up against mind control and slavery, together we stand against the …
3 Steps To Transform Your Relationship Into A Spiritual Communion
by Conscious Reminder Aren’t we all waiting for ‘The One’. From a young age girls are molded into thinking that there is this dazzling Prince Charming who will magically appear to …
What is an Animal Totem? The phrase “animal totem” literally means a symbolic representation of your animal guide; such as a crest, a totem pole, an emblem, a small figurine, …
Money & Spirituality – 5 Common Abundance Blocks & How To Transcend Them
What Is Money? Money is a touchy topic for many given we live in a world where most of us have been programmed to buy into the belief that there …
Have you tried all types of grounding or protective techniques, as an Empath, and find nothing works? Or have you found you are more negatively affected when spending time around …