Yes, I know, there are no mistakes on the spiritual journey. There can’t be, if you think about it. The spiritual journey is, to a certain extent, a process of learning. And …
by Conscious Reminder Being incarcerated or imprisoned is part of some of our lives, it is an inevitable part of living in a big society. Whether we have committed a …
Is Your Child An Empath? Top Strategies For Calming An Anxious Child
Does your child get anxious easily or stressed out? Do you have a sensitive child who is more emotional and picks up on feelings more intensely? Does your child react …
If You Experience ANY Of These 3 Signs After Meeting Someone, You’ve Known Them In A Past Life
Our souls live on forever. They exist beyond space and time and interacts with others souls. Even though we do not remember who we were in our past life and …
Get ready for a reality check as Neptune goes retrograde Don’t tense up! Yes, Neptune is retrograde from June 16 – November 22, 2017, but it’s nothing to worry about. …
by Conscious Reminder Before you read this article, I want to leave a few notes. The article will not, at any time dive into the theory of life being in …
Something Incredible Happens When You Start The Fibonacci Sequence With A 3
The fibonacci sequence is a number pattern which occurs when you start with 0 and 1, and continue to add the subsequent numbers. So- 0+1=1 1+1=2 1+2=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 And …
We all want the same basic qualities in a relationship. Respect, love, confidence, being open and growth are a few. We all want someone that makes us feel wanted and …
With origins in ancient India, the term karma stems from the sanskrit word for “action, work or deed.” Karma not only applies to tangible actions like our words and deeds, it also …
“You can focus on things that are barriers or you can focus on scaling the wall or redefining the problem.” Tim Cook When we search ourselves, we find that our …