by Jolenny Piedra The trend toward holistic health in the health and wellness industry is unmistakable. More than ever, we are looking for innovative new ways which can offer us experiences that incorporate wellness …
by Conscious Reminder Even in ancient China, doctors knew that emotions had a strong impact on the human body. According to Chinese medicine, the underlying cause of all diseases are emotions, and …
The old paradigm of life-controlling and mind-manipulating belief systems has left many to finally realize they have been living in an artificial reality created by egotistical people on power trips. …
The first thing that marketers use to sell a product is sex, and it seems that the second thing is now spirituality. Products ranging from sports gear to food are …
The More You Raise Your Vibration, The More Universe Rewards You – 10 Signs You Vibrate At A High Frequency
by Conscious Reminder We are all energy; we are constantly expanding, accelerating or slowing down. The more we grow, the more open we are and this allows us ti use more of …
Spirituality is a much used and much misunderstood term. Unfortunately it seems to instantly cause eye-rolling and alienates a large proportion of the population by its’ mere utterance. Personally I’d …
Usually first step is to Open the Heart, and on this planet only perhaps 50% of the people have started to think a little about others instead only of themselves. …
We often consider an open mind essential to fair-minded moral, political and legal judgment. To have a closed mind is to resist the possibility of persuasion, to be dogmatic, recalcitrant, …
The human psyche is deeply scarred with the church’s teaching of a physical place called hell, created by a God who intends to punish some individuals for eternity. As long …
Rare Full Strawberry Moon In Sagittarius Awakens Healing Energy For Our Deepest Wounds
On June 9, stargazers will see a special type of full moon that comes only once a year: the minimoon, or a full moon that appears slightly smaller than usual. …