Where did I go? One moment I looked up and my list, and thereby my sense of satisfaction (my sense of people pleasing purpose don’t you know!), came from filling and …
Given previous posts on Levels of Consciousness and Raising Your Consciousness, several people have asked me what “practical” relevance this has to personal growth. A valid question — here’s my …
You can find variety of wish manifestation and law-of-attraction courses online. In most cases they teach you a certain set of manifestation techniques or, as some may call them, wish …
by Mark Wolynn An Excerpt from Mark Wolynn’s book It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle (Viking/Penguin), winner or the …
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson Gives A Very Moving Answer When Asked About The Afterlife
So often I hear religious and even ‘spiritual‘ people talk about life, death and more specifically what happens to us after we die. However, it doesn’t happen that often that …
We all have intuitive powers that help to guide us through life. Many people share stories of how listening to certain gut feelings spared them and saved them from incredibly …
Have you ever found yourself reading someone’s mind and knowing what they’re going to say before they speak? Do you just intrinsically know what someone is thinking sometimes? This is …
Every level of consciousness outlined in the previous post is actually a trap. When you make the leap to a new level, initially everything feels wonderful. You’ve discovered the secret …
Millions of people around the world believe in reincarnation. The idea that we have lived before and will live again after we die is thousands of years old, but is …
The Body SCREAMS What The Mouth Doesn’t Say: Cancer ‘Kills’ When You Get Tired Of Life
by Conscious Reminder The body screams … what the mouth doesn’t say !!! The cold makes us ‘leak’ when the body doesn’t cry. Pain ‘clogs’ the throat when we can’t express the sorrow. …