by Dr Kelly Neff, The Lucid Planet Typically, when mainstream media provides tips for better sex, they mainly only include tips for the following two focuses: physical body and emotions. These …
The 5 Stages Of Intimacy (And Why You Need To Know Where You Are)
by Zoe Hicks, LMFT All those ups and downs are leading to something. Could it be love? We’ve all heard of the five stages of grief according to the Kübler-Ross model: denial, anger, …
Are you too good for your own good? Do people take advantage of your good nature? Have you ever found yourself being taken for granted, used, or abused in your …
These Zodiac Signs Are NOT Compatible And You Probably Never Knew It
There are people who, even though love each other, are not meant to be together. That’s because there are some zodiac signs that are not compatible with each other. Sorry …
Uranus Retrograde In Aries 2017 – The Astrological Achilles’ Heel
Uranus is the astrological Achilles’ heel of Mystery Babylon and on August 2nd of 2017 it will enter retrograde orbit at 28° Aries. The timeline master of our zodiac will soon be …
Aries (March 21 – April 19) As an Aries, you have a very short attention span and it can be difficult for you to commit to anything for prolonged periods …
by Conscious Reminder These past few days have been an incredible eye opener, and perhaps for some a little too much. How many are ready to jump off the train …
Manifest Your Desires By Following These 2 Simple Steps
Wouldn’t you love to know the secret to getting what you really want? If you sometimes feel like your dreams are elusive, it could be that you’re missing a little …
In Today’s Relationships, We Cheat On Each Other Literally Every Day
by Anthony D’Ambrosio This type of cheating causes much more damage than that of any sexual affair. It’s 5:30 am, and your alarm goes off. You open your eyes, and your mind …
by Conscious Reminder Mid-Summer Nights Dream! As the heat of the days seems to increase, the days become shorter! We are basked in sunshine and showers as Mother Nature drenches …