Defining where someone else begins and you end seems like an odd thing to do, but if you are an empath, separation of the “Self” from others, even with all …
Below are 10 ways to make people feel good about themselves. 1. Ask them to teach you something Whenever someone says I’m great at something or they really like something …
10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Actually Becoming The Person You’re Supposed To Be
by Rayi Noormega 1. You do everything by yourself and feel isolated from others. The more mature you are, the more you can handle everything by yourself and it feels …
Long-term relationships don’t usually come to an abrupt end overnight, but they don’t erode slowly after years and years, either. Sometimes, it only takes a matter of months for a relationship to …
by Conscious Reminder If you have ever caught yourself behaving in a way that makes you cringe then it’s likely your ego is to blame. The ego can be tricky …
I’m used to writing on a computer every day, and being without one for a while taught me that nothing in this world is permanent. Even if we think we’ll …
5 Non Religious Meditations For Atheists Like You And Me
Is meditation for atheists? Of course. This article reveals five great non-religious meditations for atheists and non-spiritualists. Try telling someone that you meditate. That’ll probably say, “So, you’re religious…?” It seems …
13 Signs Of A Toxic Parent That Many People Don’t Realize
By Holly Chavez Most parents genuinely do their best to provide their children with a happy and healthy upbringing, but even these individuals can accidentally make mistakes that may result in …
The Pandemic that is Loneliness Do you suffer from loneliness? Feel isolated and distant from other people? Do you long for connection? Strive and hope to be noticed? To be …
Before You Date One, Here Are 5 Things To Know About Old Souls
by Conscious Reminder I’ve been called an old soul many times throughout my life. Eventually, I stopped worrying about what exactly that meant and started learning why people say that about …