by Conscious Reminder Hey people! Am I the only one who’s been getting the feeling that THE LIGHTS ARE ON, BUT NO ONE’S HOME? Have we completely switched our minds …
Throughout the ages, there have been many who have transcended the domain of the ego and had gotten a taste of those delicious higher states of consciousness. Rather than keep …
A Man Sees a Poor Little Girl and Asks God: ‘How Could You Let This Happen’? God Answers…
by Conscious Reminder Once upon a time, a wise man started doubting God’s kindness. Whenever he looked around, he only pain and suffering. He felt abandoned, hopeless, powerless… Once, while …
by Conscious Reminder 1. Look for opportunities You can’t be brave, patient and reliable if you only complain about your life and feel sorry for yourself. The only thing you …
The “Law of attraction” is something we do unconsciously with every moment spend in our lives. When we leverage on the good habits in life such as waking up early, …
Are We Living in the Age of Empathy? If you think you’re hearing the word “empathy” everywhere, you’re right. It’s now on the lips of scientists and business leaders, education …
I Forgive You Not Because You Deserve Forgiveness, But Because I Deserve Peace
by Conscious Reminder I forgive, but I’m also learning a lesson. I won’t hate you, but I’ll never get so close to you, so you don’t hurt me again. I …
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” -Aesop One of the easiest ways to raise your vibration is to spread kindness. With the Law of Attraction, …
“Next time, I’ll ask for a better map. Do you know how many dead ends and detours I took to find you?” ~ Unknown Our Twin Flame is not the …
You got this, girl! We’ve all had one of those days that sometimes turn into one of those weeks. They seem to drag on FOREVER because the universe hates you …