by Conscious Reminder The complete number of realms of existence, as well as dimensions of consciousness, is twelve. Frequently, we are simply connected with the physical world around us, but, …
Speak With Love & Kindness: How Your Words Literally Restructure Your Brain
by Conscious Reminder Choosing the words which we would like to use may change our brain literally. One neuroscientist at the University Thomas Jefferson, named Dr. Andrew Newberg, and an expert …
by Conscious Reminder Often we meet a person who seems to be familiar in some way even though we have never met them before. We feel that we might have an …
A Teaching On Being 5D And Sexual Experiences With A Partner In 3D Or 5D
By Leda de Zwaan, new energy coach and healer, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Having sex with a partner in a lower vibration, as in for example a 3d person, who lives …
Full Moon Ritual – A Time to Release and Let Go
by Amy Miller The full moon is the perfect time to release what no longer serves you! The moon, being the closest astronomical body to Earth, has a profound effect on …
by Conscious Reminder This ongoing pandemic year has kept everyone quarantined and locked inside their home. So now the desire to travel and explore new sights and places seems very enticing. …
by Conscious Reminder This debt is represented by a certain amount of energy that you owe to the Universe. Because this is a law of the nature, we can’t bypass or …
Waking Up At The Same Time Every Night? This Might Be The Reason Why
by Conscious Reminder A wise man once said, “I love to spend my nights over-thinking and my mornings over-sleeping.” Oh well, who are we kidding? This “wise man” dwells in each one …
Empaths Feel Emotions, But Can They Feel Spirits Emotions Too?
by Conscious Reminder An empath knows what it feels like to be able to feel other people’s emotions. Usually, empaths notice changes in the mood, realizing that they may be experiencing …
Angelic Communication: 10 Unexpected Reasons Why Angels Are Sending You Signs And Clues
by Conscious Reminder Even though it might feel like we are all alone, in reality guidance is never that far away. Our spiritual guides or angels are always around and they …