As we go along on our spiritual journey, having tools available to help us is always a welcome thing. When making decisions or evaluating situations we don’t always feel confident …
How To Survive The Runner & Chaser Phase Of The Twin Flame Connection.
No matter how hard we try, we can’t outrun what is truly meant for us. What is known as the twin flame relationship is, for many of us, occurring more and more frequently as …
August is a turning point month that is going to bring rapid growth and change. From August onwards, time is going to feel like its moving faster and we are …
3 Truths That Come To Light When You Expand Your Consciousness
“What you are seeking is seeking you” – Rumi I knew that I always liked this quote, without really knowing why. To be honest, for the longest time I never …
The Powerful Lessons Yoga Teaches Me (& Could Teach You Too)
by Conscious Reminder Yoga is a way of life, it is a journey to your soul and your mind. Contrary to what many people believe, Yoga is more than just …
Chakras are subtle energy centers within the physical body structure that have been perceived by yogis and clairvoyants since ancient history. We have 7 main chakras that spread along our …
“Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.” – Eskimo Saying When you lose …
You are standing in the center of a very chatty universe that is ready to engage. Everything that you encounter is a part of you and you are part of …
by soulandspiritmagazine Tap into and connect with the biggest energies of some of the smallest creatures Chances are that at some point, you’ve had a dream where an animal has made …
The Lionsgate Portal Opening, August 8th. 4 Things You Need To Know
Are you ready for the Lionsgate? This is what you need to know! By Brandon Richard Greetings, fellow travelers! The astrological period of the Leo runs from July 23rd to …