“The present moment is the only moment available to us and it is the doorway to all moments.” – Thich Nhat Hanh Could you agree that in every moment, you are your …
By Peter Melchizedek, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder “Dearly Beloveds, I Am Lady Nada, Chohan in succession from Lord Jesus of the 6th Ray of Ministration, Service and Peace. My Colors of …
Heavy karma can trap us in terrible patterns. We attract the same types of people, jobs, illnesses, events, accidents, and unneeded burdens into our lives. The much-needed break in the …
Do you know what someone is thinking just by looking at them? Have you ever been able to read someones mind or know what they are feeling before they speak? While …
Before knowing what detoxification is, we need to know what the toxins are, which we need to detox. Every day we eat potential toxins into our body, breathe them into …
Ladies and gentlemen, can I ask you a simple qeuestion – what do you think, what does “raising consciousness” actually mean? Well, this is often portrayed as some sort of …
I used to be afraid of the dark. Maybe I still am. Every night when I flick off my light, I tear across the room and dive into my bed. …
In astrology, there are four elements, one of which are carried by each of the twelve signs of the zodiac: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The element to which your …
Many people have been experiencing an energetic burst of energy and are unsure of what it is attributed to. It could be from solar flares and coronal mass ejections or …
One of the most evident contrasts in our lives is that of male/female. Based on cultural stereotypes, women are made of ‘sugar and spice and everything nice’. Women tend to …