Our body possesses internal systems and clocks that regulate its functions. There is an immediate connection between our spiritual wellbeing and physical health. Traditional Chinese medicine pays a lot of attention …
Do you sometimes feel like you came from another planet? It may seem like a far-off concept, but Starseeds are actually souls that have originated from different stars, planets, solar …
“Sensitive people are the most genuine and honest people you will ever meet. There is nothing they won’t tell you about themselves if they trust your kindness. However, the moment …
Narrated by Morgan Freeman MORE WAS NEVER ENOUGH “I’m eighty-six years old and sadly I’m basically sitting on my deathbed. I have millions of dollars in the bank but I …
At the beginning of the new millennium, the Dalai Lama gave us eighteen rules that lead to a successful and happy life. These rules equally apply to every one with enough of a …
Stop constantly paying attention to how you feel. You fell the way you feel. It will pass; it will go away. Nothing is permanent. You don’t have control over your …
The ethical codex of North American native people can inspire all of us to make important changes in the way we perceive life. 1. Rise together with the sun and …
by Conscious Reminder It sounds a little bit weird that positioning your things around the house and the office in a certain way can result in bigger money inflow. However, Feng shui …
by Conscious Reminder I want you to stop the chaos and infinite movement in your life for a moment, and take a deep breath. As you are inhaling, let your …
Crystals and semi-precious gemstones come from the same source – the Earth. Created during an eon-long process from the magma from the inner core, they are Mother Earth’s gift to …