While meditating earlier today, I experienced something of an epiphany, a powerful realization. I was doing my normal meditation thing, following the sensation of my breath as it flowed in …
Our Society Has The Same Symptoms As The Roman Empire Just Before The Fall: Is A Collapse Inevitable?
Are you worried about the society you live in today? Well, maybe you should be. “When you live in a false society that bases its wealth upon, then that society …
by Conscious Reminder Did you React Today? For sure, in one way shape or form, something or someone caused you to lose the plot, become emotional or in general just …
Everyone has psychic ability. Accepting this is the first step in harnessing your own powers. While this is generally a simple and well-understood concept, it gets a little more complicated …
I expect that some of you will be shocked at even the suggestion that ‘spirit guides’ cannot be trusted. If you are then I suspect that you wont even start …
by Isabella Greene, “A human being is part of a whole called by us the Universe. A part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, as …
An emotion is something that conditions the mind and makes it adopt a certain perspective or vision of things. Trying to define an emotion is a bit of a challenge …
Mercury And Venus Go Retrograde TOGETHER To Create Powerful Portal Of Desire
We are all familiar with the events that transpire during Mercury Retrograde, but combining it with Venus in Retrograde makes for an interesting time for relationships, money, and new adventures. …
The Power of Intention in the Physical World Can thought, intention, and emotion influence the physical world? Many people believe that they can, but scientific models for testing and quantifying …
The Law of Attraction is a popular topic these days as more of us are becoming in tune with our own consciousness and ability to create our reality. It can …