Home Consciousness Balance Is Everything: The High-Wire Artist In You!

Balance Is Everything: The High-Wire Artist In You!

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Did you React Today?

For sure, in one way shape or form, something or someone caused you to lose the plot, become emotional or in general just feel like crap about yourself.  How long did it go one for?  Did you punish yourself? Did you keep analyzing the situation?  Or did you blame someone/thing else?

One thing that is very clear from this journey is the full circles that are forever presenting themselves, is this second opportunity at the same, or do we decide to do something new with it?  Being fortunate to speak with a lot of other awakening souls on a daily basis, which gives us an incredible insight to the Universal Encyclopaedia of life on this crazy planet!

We are all students and teachers, we all share our wisdom, knowing that what we say or do is going to have an impact in some way in our life.

As a resident student (and professor!) at the University of Life, it is an incredible opportunity to witness the growing shape of the new templates, the essential ongoing work, and experimentation with different knowledge, as well as rediscovered wisdom.  “Where does all this come from?” we ask ourselves. We would not say or do these things if they were not from within us?

Processing Information

Yes, we process millions of pieces of data on a daily basis, even when we don’t think we are.  Do you think we stop learning when we sleep, or watch TV, or read a book?  We are processing and interpreting words, images and others emotions, and retaining what serves us.

Everything we say and do will have an effect on our own energy and that of others – we may not realize this at the time, but be sure whatever has been done will come back in one way shape or form – the Universal Law, what goes around comes around!

How we interact with the energy is the test of our intuition or ego, handle it right and from the heart, your energy will expand and vibrations rise. Handle it with the ego, and your energy will diminish and vibrations will lower.

These two in balance, you have harmony – a center of love, compassion, empathy and trust.  The balance in all that you do can be achieved, yet it is always going to be like the scales of justice.  Each and every minute will see one side moving up or down, even the best trapeze artists need a pole to maintain their upright position.

Imagine yourself on a high wire, and the fall below has no safety net to catch you – it is a test of all that you have learned, your skill, dexterity, and strength of mind and control of your thoughts that will see you slowly move one step at a time until you reach the other side.  One thing you are able to do is to stop and gain your composure before you move forward.

Your adrenalin is pumping, your body sweating, your mind wants to go a million miles an hour, but it is focused on the objective – getting to the other side, safely.

Challenges and Balance!

As the natural elements of Mother Nature challenge us on the wire, we have to adjust our balance, we feel the wind, the rain, the cold and the warmth, in addition, we feel our heart beating in our chest.  We will also hear the words of determination coming to the forefront of our mind, you can do it, don’t stop now, keep going – you also know very well you can’t turn back.

You have begun the journey with total confidence and faith in your own abilities to reach the other side without falling to a certain end. This is what made us get on the wire in the first place.

We have trained our psyche to block out all the lower vibrations and energies, to get us through – we have faith in all we are and in the Universe to take care of us.  Our one safety net is the Universe – and this is tied around our waist, like an invisible cord.

She will not allow us to fall, she will be with us every step of the way along the journey to the other side – where we will be greeted with a crowd of familiar faces…our team and support crew.

Can you picture this scene – what is waiting there? Our soul family, our loved ones, those that are going to be with us for the remainder of our journey. Can you feel the love encouraging you to make it?  They want to simply hold us, congratulate us, kiss and hug us and to love us – for we are incredible beings, just look at what has been achieved to date.

You deserve this wave of love – endure the wire for this is waiting at the end of it!

Changing The Way We Respond!

When we look at triggers or full circles, there is a reason for everything…don’t say “oh no not this again!”…embrace and say “how can I manage this in a new way or differently”.  We have our previous examples to learn from, and it is far too easy to repeat it.  We are being asked by our soul to find a new way of approaching life and people.

We are being called to break the old templates, and to create the new.  New templates that will serve us and humanity at a higher vibration, Love.

We are all on a unique path, where we will be guided along the way.  We will cross paths with many wonderful souls that will be there as a pillar of strength, or the balancing bar, or the cord around our waist.  What we do with these are our free will.

Because of the individuality of the ascension journey, there are many things that we must do ourselves.  We are on a continuous path of reinventing ourselves, and only we can do this.

Only we can make the decision to change, as only we know our true life purpose and soul mission.

No one can take this away from us, it is a process that we must go through to reach our true authentic self.  There is no right or wrong way of doing things, each day should be treated as a lesson at the University of Life, try not to judge yourself, or to lower your vibrations.

Ask For Help!

It is OK to feel upset or “bad”; embrace it and know you are on the right path.  Learn how to tap into your own life lessons and call on your own wisdom.

Reach out to your soul family members. We shall never close our minds to watching, listening and learning. There are many masters who are willing to share their knowledge with us if only we ask.  As with any life lessons, we should not be afraid to ask for help or guidance, a genuine soul family member will be there to help us along the way.

In closing this rambling, there are people who are present in our lives and act as mirrors.  They will reflect back, and will also be the triggers in our day to day life. From our partner to our colleagues to our own children.

Being a solo parent, achieving balance is very difficult, much like walking on the high wire.  We have to find a way or means of maintaining the balance for the benefit of ourselves and a healthy relationship with our children and others in my life.

The objective is to remember the high wire. To remain in balance that will lead to finding a solution as well as the inner knowledge to create a new way of living.  Our heart and souls know the depth of the love essence that we are.  The flow of energy will allow us to maintain the balance even in the greatest of situations.

The raised voices, anger, and frustration need to be replaced with compassion, empathy, and understanding, as well as support from another dimension.

This is an interesting scenario, to say the least, and one which will lead to a new template being formed, one that is very much needed, and will serve as an example for others to learn from.

I am truly grateful to the Universe for allowing me this opportunity to shift to a higher vibration, and to help others reach the other side of the high wire walk.

For those who know me, know that I am there alongside and walking with you – should you need the safety cord around your waist, you can count on me to be there too.

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Bio – Deane experienced a physical relationship with his Divine counterpart, spending nearly 4 years together.  This lead to his own awakening and breaking of the veils of illusion. He has healed and grown spiritually, he now dedicates his time to helping, healing and teaching others. He has created unique personal development programs for those who are awakening and wish to make a smooth transition to the new templates. For further details about his work please visit http://www.askdeano.com

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