Yes. It is true. The story I am about to tell you will be probably one of THE BEST short stories you’ll read in your life. I have no doubt …
Everything Happens For A Reason – There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence
by Conscious Reminder There are no coincidences. If something bad had happened, it must have been for a reason. Bad things are just part of the process, part of life and …
When you look into the soul of the Universe, it is easy to see how everything is connected. We are all one of the same. Essentially, we are the Universe …
Jim Carrey Strikes Again With Another POWERFUL Call to Humanity! You Need to Hear This!
Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Like many of you I was concerned about going out into the world and doing something bigger than myself, until someone …
From horoscopes to beautiful pictures, cute memes and videos on the Internet! Yes, I think that we all know that there’s no shortage of information available interpreting various Zodiac signs …
You want to know how to live fearlessly? You have the power in you to live as fearlessly as a warrior. This simple technique makes it fun living the fearless …
Did you know how powerful your third eye chakra is? Did you know visualization is key to help you materialize your dreams? OUR INTENTIONS + OUR ACTIONS = OUR CREATIONS …
As energies on planet Earth elevate and intensify, more people are aligning with fifth-dimensional energies. This alignment brings glimpses and experiences of realities imbued with ever higher vibrational frequencies. Remaining …
Owen K Waters – A great shift to a higher consciousness has been accelerating since the 1960s. The progressive portion of humanity is stretching the envelope of human consciousness deep …
The main reason to clear a space—your home, your car or your office—is to remove negative energies. Negative energies occur for a number of reasons. They include: Metaphysical Negative thoughts …