Everyone’s got a dark side. Whether you believe it’ll land you in a fiery abyss after you die (assuming you believe in Hell, that is) is up to you. All the same, nobody is perfect.
Some of us lead troubled lives, some of us harbor troubling thoughts and some of us just can’t avoid trouble if we tried. Assuming there’s a Hell, and assuming there are 9 levels of it (or circles, as it were), which one do you think you’d end up in? We’ve all got our demons — and some of them may very well be waiting for us at the end of our lives. Keep reading to find out which circle of Hell you’d end up in, according to your Zodiac.
Does your lifestyle fit your judgment? Let us know in the comments!
Virgo: The wildcard. Take your pick: angel or demon? The powers that be are aware of your analytical mind and intelligence, and they’ve agreed that you don’t quite belong in any of the 9 circles. You’re a worker, and therefore you’ve got work to do. Here’s the catch, though — if you choose to be an angel, you’re merely admitting to being a bit of a boring perfectionist, while if you choose to be a demon, all of the other sinners will just think you’re a brown-nosing tool. At least you’ve got choices.
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