Home Consciousness Are You The Chosen One? 7 Characteristics Of Spirit Warriors

Are You The Chosen One? 7 Characteristics Of Spirit Warriors

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Spirit Warriors are the ones who have been chosen to walk on this Earth in order to help the awakening. Not all are awakened, and this is what Spirit Warriors do. Their deeds and their mindsets help us free ourselves from the traps of everyday life.

Are You the Chosen One?

Before we are born, some of us agree to play a role in the Human Race’s Awakening. Some of us agree to walk down this tough path, which is definitely not easy, but full of challenges and sacrifices.

One who agrees to become one of the Spirit Warriors knows that he or she will probably have to endure much pain in order to remember his or her commitment to the Awakening. On the other hand, it is so fulfilling to be part of the world’s spiritual upgrade.

The Quest of Spirit Warriors is to look for ways to achieve greater and total awareness. They are among the ones who protest and give their lives in order to awaken us to our rights worldwide.

Moreover, they can be among the ones who fight for freedom of speech, civil rights, religious rights, or try to change the way their family thinks—being characterized as the black sheep—who eventually are recognized as the Wise ones!

If you have more than 5 of these traits, you are probably one of them.

7 Traits of Spirit Warriors

:: They love the Truth.

They are willing to go to enormous lengths to learn what they don’t know. Spirit Warriors are honest, and although they know the pain they sometimes inflict with the truth, they believe it is essential for our growth. The truth is a powerful weapon that can unlock mysteries and solve solutions we all fear trying. The Truth Spell can also help… a lot!

:: A true spirit warrior doesn’t give up when the going gets tough.

He or she is the one who is fueled by his or her passion and makes an example of his or her life. It’s the one who is not devastated by a serious injury, disease, disability, economic disaster, or breakup. However, it’s more probable that they are educating everyone on how to cope with calamities.

:: A Spirit Warrior defies what everybody might think and follows his or her heart.

Moreover, they are attuned to their intuition, and they certainly trust their guts! They know that energy doesn’t lie. The enemy might be dressed up as a friend, but a Spirit Warrior’s intuition alerts them. Their heart is true. Thus, its messages are true too.

:: A Chosen one lives and breathes for love.

Love is essential to all the Warriors of Light. They know that Love is the key to all Wisdom. Love is the Language of the Universe. A smile on the subway, a hug, or a friendly handshake might be powerful weapons against darkness.

:: A Spirit Warrior tames his or her inner fears.

Living without fears might be impossible, and yes, even the Chosen Ones fear. But this doesn’t mean that they don’t try their best to tame these shadows and embrace their full potential. The Spirit Warrior will look where others are afraid to look and go further than everybody accepts.

:: S/he starts Life over and over again.

Spirit Warriors are like the Phoenix. They can be burned, but they are not destroyed. Their lives might be crashed over and over again, but as long as they breathe, they are not finished. Even when they stop breathing, they might keep influencing the living like enlightened spirit guides.

:: A Spirit Warrior chooses his or her battles.

There are so many things to change, but we cannot change them all at once. Patience is a golden virtue. A Spirit Warrior doesn’t waste his or her energy. Energy must be spent wisely. Therefore, he or she waits until the time is right to act. Spirit Warrior are wise forces of Light. They treat themselves with love and respect. The goal is to change the world, and to do so, it requires them to be in the best shape possible.

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