Home Consciousness I Love Spending Time Alone And No, I’m Not A ‘Weirdo’

I Love Spending Time Alone And No, I’m Not A ‘Weirdo’

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Do you like being alone?

If the answer is yes, don’t worry—you aren’t weird. Not at all!

There are so many people among us who rely on other people for their happiness, but then there are introverts. Introverts are different because they NEED their time alone. But it is perfectly normal to feel so.

Here are a few things that make being alone a lot better than being in undesirable company:

1. You don’t have to entertain others.

If you prefer being alone because you don’t feel pressure to entertain others, you can spend your time and energy not making others happy. Additionally, you shouldn’t constantly strive to satisfy others. The only person you have to be happy with is yourself.

2. The sense of freedom.

Oh! You feel very free when you are alone. There is no burden to show up, behave in a certain way, or be scared that you are being judged—anything. You can feel absolutely alone and be absolutely free.

3. You can dedicate your time to yourself.

Indeed, when you are alone, you have complete control over your time, allowing you to dedicate it to self-improvement. You can go back to those books you left to lie on the shelf quite some time ago, or you can also (haha) sleep more!

4. You are the source of your own happiness.

Isn’t it the best feeling when you are the source of your own happiness? This means that you don’t wait for someone else to make you happy, and your happiness does not get affected by anyone else. This actually gives a positive ending to your temporary isolation. Furthermore, because such happiness is absolute, no one can take it away from you.

5. You become very independent.

When you realize that all you have is yourself, you become independent in every facet of your life. You learn to do everything yourself, and that is super amazing.

This tells you one thing: learn to be happy alone. Trust me, I have been down that road. I was afraid to be alone, but with time, I have learned to love the time I spend by myself. There is so much that I’ve learned just by being alone. Try it! It definitely works.

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