Home Consciousness This Is How You Can Fall In Love With Your Own Life All Over Again

This Is How You Can Fall In Love With Your Own Life All Over Again

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

While we are getting older and dealing with many responsibilities in our lives, we may easily forget about some smaller pleasures. While we are rushing around and getting things done on time, we often miss how wonderful and miraculous life may be.

Life started feeling dry, and our excitement also started dwindling. We are feeling like we are living the same day with the same challenges, which repeat again and again. In most of the ways, it’s the same day, particularly if we are missing the details.

Our relationships with our lives need some change or space, just like other relationships in our lives. Investing in those relationships means reaping the benefits.

So, how can we fall in love with our lives once again?

These are the six ways in which we can fall in love with our lives again, and live them from the place of authenticity, truth, and love:


When we were kids and were playing, the other kids or the game that we were playing were not important: there was always joy, lightness, freedom, and imagination. And now that we are adults, we can keep playing.

For instance, we may start taking art or dance classes, sit on swings at the near park, play our favorite song, singing along with it, etc. Every activity which will support us in losing ourselves is going to work.


We should notice what we feel and think about our lives. We should slow down a little bit, and recognize the things we choose to focus ourselves on. And, what might we focus ourselves on instead?

Taking out the garbage

Our minds are the fearsome and loud environment. Sometimes we will try to hush the stereo, but it will not work. It is going to continue reminding us why is this silly, and why it is not safe, and so on. Rather than pushing the stereo down, we should permit it to keep appearing, and we can put it on paper. This is going to create far more space.

First-time experiences 

We should imagine putting on some magical sunglasses right before we go about our day. Those grasses will make each experience feel as if it happens for the first time. In most of those experiences, we may be completely present as it feels so new. We should notice what we might have overlooked or forgotten. We should also look at our loved ones, our surroundings, and then feel everything.


We should ask ourselves if we have ever tried a journal or gratitude challenge. We should remind ourselves to count our blessings. It will not be perfect all the time, but there are still many things which are really perfect at this moment and at this time. Everything is about reminding ourselves – what we have now. We should remind ourselves to count our blessings.


One simple truth would be that there are going to be days in which we will feel amazing, but there will also be days when we will feel bad. We should recognize, and also accept that all this is just one part of our lives, and we should not jump to catastrophic and wrong conclusions about them. 

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