Home Consciousness Today’s Blue Moon In Aquarius Is All About Surprises And Epiphanies

Today’s Blue Moon In Aquarius Is All About Surprises And Epiphanies

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The second full moon in Aquarius will be taking place on 22nd/23rd August (depending on your time zone).

The exact times are GMT: 12.01 PM/ EDT: 8.01 AM/ PDT: 5.01 AM. This is a rare second chance of receiving the Full Moon in Aquarius’ gifts.

The first one in July happened at the sign’s beginning. It provided a farsighted perspective of our place in communities and friendships.

It also meant cutting off some old connections and inviting some new ones. The second one is taking place right at the sign’s final moments. And it will be making the climax as theatrical as possible.

The Astrology Of The Rare Second Full Moon In Aquarius

A Full Moon in Aquarius inspires us to find innovative ways of making ourselves stand out within a group. The Aquarius August 2021 Full Moon will have us look at familiar emotional reactions intellectually.

Akin to Star Trek’s Mr. Spock finding human behavior “fascinating”. Theoretically, there might be some genuine feelings hidden in all the melodrama too, you just have to find it.

This year seems to have been full of such issues. Friendships have changed, and abruptly too, repeatedly. This is believed to be the fallout between conventional Saturn and progressive Uranus pushing each other.

Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius while Uranus is the modern one. All this time they are placing rebelling against adulating, radical change against structure, innovation against maintaining the status quo.

Many relationships have thus developed fractured due to the stress of the collisions. These included ones that felt eternal. Some of the fractures became unbridgeable chasms. Differences in life philosophy, attitude, and shared history, and affection being overridden by personal goals make mending the connection almost impossible.

Prepare For More In That Vein

Similar to the July one, the Aquarius August 2021 Full Moon will also be full of traps, both pleasant and otherwise. There will be surprises, epiphanies, and shake-ups aplenty.

Last month’s full moon pressured change into happening. This time, though, it is about cleaning up the mess. The process too will be much more organic: unseen switches will click and hearts will take an instant to clear.

Both Mars and Mercury trine Uranus. So all sorts of communications will be involved in the process. The two planets are also in Virgo, which means they have a careful, stead-fast, and meticulous mood.

But the Uranus links will put them into hyper-drive. All the developments and plans being mulled over will be jolted and accelerated into action.

Look out for changes in direction, mind, and heart; for finding yourself at many places in a short time; for efficient and startling answers when it comes to freedom. Motivation and ideas for innovative projects, and chasing long-time wishes is also being supported by the trines.

All this is being squeezed by Jupiter, who is currently retrograding in Aquarius and accompanied by the Moon. Every development is being enlarged, escalated, erupted, and brought to the breaking point by him.

Sometimes there are also unexpected payoffs because of it. But he will more likely be a returning nuisance after he crossed the degree on 20th April. The ultimate benefit will be when Jupiter returns to this spot in December’s 2nd week.

All the space being freed up by this full moon can possibly make some dreams become reality at that time.

Nevertheless, the usual lunation order will resume after the Full Moon in Aquarius in August 2021. It is because there is always a new moon first on the axis followed by a full one. 

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