Home Consciousness Mercury Direct: Mercury Finally Has Its Mojo Back… Well, Sort of

Mercury Direct: Mercury Finally Has Its Mojo Back… Well, Sort of

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The much-criticized astrological transit is finally reaching its end … well, kind of.

Today, on April 25th, Mercury, the planet associated with thoughts and communication, is finally ending its retrograde motion in Aries. This period has been challenging for interpersonal communication, but now things are starting to improve.

The energy of Aries can be quite unpredictable, often speaking without thinking and then dealing with the consequences afterwards. When Mercury went into retrograde in Aries, there may have been some significant challenges in the areas it influences: communication, commerce, and relationships. These challenges might have felt quite intense or caused emotional turmoil.

Mercury Retroshade

It is possible that the intense burning sensation will subside once Mercury resumes its forward motion. That’s not the case, my friends, and we can attribute it to retroshade.

During the period when Mercury slows down, which happens every quarter for about three weeks, the weeks before and after this slowdown can be quite chaotic. During the two weeks before and after Mercury’s retrograde, the planet goes through changes in speed and tempo that directly affect us on Earth.

When Mercury slows down, it’s a gentle reminder for us to take a step back and embrace a period of introspection, where we can contemplate, reassess, revisit, and unleash our imagination. This can be quite a challenging task when Aries is in charge. This sign is always in motion, moving forward with unstoppable speed.

Waiting Patiently to Exhale

Things should start moving forward more quickly on Thursday, but there will still be some hiccups, embarrassing text messages, and lost connections along the way.

Retroshade serves as a crucial phase during the retrograde period, allowing us to assimilate the valuable lessons and experiences we have gained. When the planet starts moving, it’s time to take action instead of overthinking. Mars, known for its drive and productivity, will be entering its home sign of Aries on April 30th. This gives us the opportunity to gain momentum and put into action what we have learned and understood during this retrograde period.

Mercury completes its shadow period on May 13th, and shortly after, it transitions from the fiery sign of Aries to the more grounded and steady fields of Taurus. This shift elicits a sense of relief and facilitates a collective exhalation. Take a deep breath as Mercury transitions from Aries to Taurus, bringing a sense of calm and confidence, like a soothing break after a chaotic day.

We will meet again once the dust settles.

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