Home Consciousness Things You Should (& Shouldn’t!) Do During a New Moon

Things You Should (& Shouldn’t!) Do During a New Moon

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Universe bestows upon us a small, easily overlooked gift every month. (Some may even call this gift “hidden,” because it is mostly invisible to the Earth for a few hours.) This lovely gift is, of course, the new moon, which occurs every 28–30 days.

The new moon is one of the moon’s many phases, specifically the one where the moon and sun align. The sun shines behind the moon, obscuring our view. The new moon heralds the start of a new lunar cycle, as well as a slew of new beginnings. As a result, new moons seem to be an especially good time for self-reflection, course correction, and goal-setting.

Surprisingly, most people unconsciously align with this energy, forming new habits, launching new projects, and initiating life changes during the new moon period. That’s fine. What’s more, consciously embracing the new moon’s fresh energy can help you accelerate those transitions even further.

Here are seven new moon activities to try (and four to avoid). Consider this a field guide to new moons in all their energetic splendor, which you can return to every 28–30 days from now on.

Things You Should Do During a New Moon

1. Set a Worthwhile Intention

The moon gives us an extra boost of intention-setting energy every month. Why not hone it by focusing on one or two intentions about which you are particularly passionate?

Spend some time crafting intentions that are as clear, concise, and specific as possible. Consider this: “Obtain a new job that will provide me with fulfillment and a higher salary than I currently have.” Or, “I’ll pass the bar exam on my next attempt.” These intentions are specific and clear. They will not only inform the universe of your goals, but they will also keep you focused on what you really want.

2. Light a Candle

Alternatively, you could choose to illuminate your life in a different way. A candle lit on the darkest night of the month represents our desire to bring a little more light into our lives. Request that the universe shine light on you during this new moon and all that follows.

You can also take this ritual a step further by charging your candle with intentions for this moon cycle. Simply light the candle, invoke feelings of gratitude and love, and ask the universe for what you desire. Light the candle and let it burn out naturally.

3. Start Something New

Each month, the new moon is the most fertile day of the lunar cycle. If there was ever a perfect time to start something new, it would undoubtedly be the new moon! Begin a new class. Apply for the position. Invite that person on a date. Begin with anything and everything that you are passionate about. Now is the ideal time to start over.

4. Go on a First Date

Speaking of beginning something new, a first date is an excellent activity for the new moon. The universe is brimming with energy and possibility, making now the ideal time to sow the seeds of a new relationship.

5. Make a List

Remember those intentions we discussed earlier? If you want to magnify your intentions, make a list of all the details you’d like the universe to consider when bringing your heart’s desire to you.

Assume your goal was to find a new job. Where will your office be located? What will your working hours be like? What kind of boss are you going to have? What types of projects will you be working on? The same is true for love. What kind of relationship do you seek? What do you do to have fun with your partner?

Make it as detailed as possible. The idea is to imagine what this new situation will look like when you arrive, so you can stay focused on what is truly meaningful to you.

6. Create a Sacred Space

The new moon is an excellent time to create a sacred space in your home to work your own magic. Cleanse the energy of the space where you will meditate, manifest, and reflect. Get the world’s garbage out—and keep it out.

When you enter that space, your body and mind will recognize that it is time to make magic. To avoid bad vibes, keep it clean and tidy after you’ve set it up.

7. Make Your Own Ritual

If you’re picturing salt circles and witches over a cauldron, keep in mind that, while these rituals do exist, they’re not necessarily what we’re talking about here. Making your own ritual is as simple as creating a set of practices that you commit to doing every new moon. It could be something as simple as meditating, attending a yoga class, or making a list. It can also be as complex as making a space, creating a crystal grid, taking a cleanse bath, or smudging your entire apartment.

Whatever it is, make sure it includes some time to reflect and plant some seeds of intention. Taking regular pauses can help you avoid going too far down a path that isn’t in line with your heart. Use the new moon as a reminder to stop, access, and maneuver in your dreams.

Things You Shouldn’t Do During a New Moon

1. Quitting Something You Care About

A new moon is all about making something new. Of course, there are times when you must let go of habits, people, and situations that no longer serve you. However, giving up on anything you truly care about on a new moon can be a waste of energy. Keep your energy focused on starting rather than stopping (save the full moon for that).

2. Avoiding New People

The new moon is notorious for drawing people into our lives. These newcomers frequently bring us lessons that our souls crave. Don’t pass these up. When you meet someone who isn’t your usual type during a new moon, be open and curious. Make an effort to learn about them. You never know what surprises or ideas they will bring.

3. Declining Unexpected Invites

Speaking of meeting new people, a new moon is an excellent time to leave the house. Because a new moon is ideal for meeting new people, consider accepting any (and all!) random invitations that come your way.

4. Spending Time with Energy Suckers

This is generally frowned upon, but it cannot always be avoided. But. Given the unique nature of new moon energy, it’s crucial to steer clear of any energy drainers without hesitation. Capture all the positive and creative energy surrounding you without sacrificing anything. Simply put, don’t let other people ruin your vibe.

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