Home Consciousness Today, June 12, the Sun’s Conjunction with Venus & Mercury, Will Bring Extra Luck & Abundance to Two Zodiacs

Today, June 12, the Sun’s Conjunction with Venus & Mercury, Will Bring Extra Luck & Abundance to Two Zodiacs

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

At the beginning of June, there was a New Moon that continued to bring good fortune to these two zodiac signs. 

A day of cosmic abundance and opportunity is going to take place across the zodiac on June 12th, and the celestial stage is going to be set for it. The New Strawberry Moon on June 6th has swept away the old, paving the way for new beginnings and new paths to emerge. Today, the universe is lining up to provide us with a potent assortment of opportunities, which is a message to encourage us to firmly establish our intentions and put in a lot of effort to make our objectives a reality.

Today is a day that encourages people of all zodiac signs to venture into uncharted territories, engage in calculated risks, and cultivate relationships that bring them joy and growth. Throughout the course of the day, the cosmic energies provide a canvas for self-discovery and empowerment, encouraging us to step into our authenticity and confidently bring our dreams into reality. However, in the midst of this cosmic fruit basket, two zodiac signs are going to have a day that is ripe with expansion and abundance.

Let’s take a look at the constellations to see if they bring about a particularly prosperous harvest for your sign today.

Here are the two zodiac signs that will experience abundance on June 12, 2024:

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

On June 6th, the New Strawberry Moon cleared the slate and prepared you for a day that is full of new beginnings and opportunities. You took advantage of this opportunity, Gemini. As you kick off your Wednesday, the universe has rolled out the cosmic red carpet specifically for you, indicating that today is the day for you to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.

These conjunctions between the Sun and Mercury and the Sun and Venus will give your mental agility a boost and make your words gentler. When you speak today, people will be attentively listening to what you have to say. Additionally, you will be able to rock your corporate mask like a pro while still remaining true to your authentic self, leaving your coworkers mesmerized and eager to hang out with you outside of the workplace. However, if the idea of becoming best friends with your coworkers is not something that you are particularly enthusiastic about, you should not worry about it. This cosmic charm can also turn up the heat in your romantic relationships, making your words irresistible to that one person in particular.

This cosmic energy boost will not only improve your 9-to-5 performance. If you want to do some work on yourself, today is a wonderful day to do it. Today, the stars align to assist you in taking action and excelling in all facets of your life. Whether you choose to dive into a new hobby or simply take some time to reflect and recharge, the astrological constellations are in your favor. Accept this fresh start and let go of the past; the future is entirely clear for you, Gemini!

Abundance Affirmation: I am fully prepared to welcome a remarkable surge of prosperity in my professional journey.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, when the Moon is in your sign, you exude a sense of emotional depth, creativity, and charm from the inside out! Because of this aspect, your natural magnetism and charisma will shine brightly and unapologetically today, putting you in the spotlight. As a result of the Moon’s harmonious relationship with Mercury, your communication skills will improve, and you will find it much simpler to articulate your thoughts and emotions with that regal and sophisticated eloquence that you possess.

In addition, the trine that exists between the North Node and the Moon will bring you into alignment with your true purpose and destiny today. This makes it an excellent day to follow your heart and pursue opportunities that resonate with your soul. The Sun’s conjunction with Venus and Mercury will also bring harmony into your professional and personal lives, making it an ideal time for creative endeavors, romantic gestures, or simply enjoying the simple pleasures that life has to offer. Get ready for a bubble bath and a movie night, please!

But here’s the perfect icing on the cake: Chiron-Sun and Chiron-Venus will speak today, and they will provide a magical recipe for transforming something that is painful into something that is beautiful. These aspects motivate you to abandon the traditional route and instead embrace the creative moments endorsed by the Leo sign. If you direct your energy toward meaningful connections, you will be able to achieve more than you ever thought possible. To better serve your relationships in the long run, you might even feel motivated today to establish boundaries or make compromises in order to better serve one another. You and your partner will find it easier to identify necessary changes to enhance your teamwork skills. When the stars align in your favor, you will effortlessly charm everyone who crosses your path, transforming every encounter into a golden opportunity!

Abundance Affirmation: I have the ability to cultivate a life that nurtures my highest potential.

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