Home Consciousness Welcome to Cancer Season 2024!!! Navigating the Calm Waters of Emotion & Intuition

Welcome to Cancer Season 2024!!! Navigating the Calm Waters of Emotion & Intuition

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Who’s looking forward to the summer season?

Following an extraordinary spring, you may be eagerly anticipating the start of summer with the arrival of the Cancer season in 2024. Initially, there may be a sense of caution regarding the potential outcomes of this upcoming season. Rest assured that as Cancer season commences, each zodiac sign will be positively influenced, leaving no room for worry. This summer has the potential to be truly amazing!

On June 20 at 4:51 p.m. ET or 10:51 p.m. CET, the sun will move into the zodiac sign of Cancer. Simultaneously, in the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice marks the arrival of a new season and the longest day of the year, all thanks to the earth’s tilt. Since 2024 is a leap year, the Cancer season will begin on June 20 and end on July 22. The upcoming weeks hold immense potential for personal growth and fulfillment. They will inspire us to follow our intuition and make choices that align with our values and beliefs.

Given the delicate nature of cancer, we can expect to form even stronger bonds with our loved ones. We can gain a deeper understanding of our heightened emotions. Even though communicating with others may be difficult due to Cancer’s water sign nature, we can skillfully assess our emotions and needs before sharing them. Cancer exhibits a remarkable level of creativity due to its unique ability to view things from various angles. This allows them to think creatively and generate innovative ideas. Remember, Cancers prefer to take their time and proceed with caution, rather than rushing into things. Taking the time to carefully evaluate projects and relationships can greatly enhance our aspirations and enable us to make informed decisions based on what truly resonates with us, rather than acting impulsively.

Despite feeling cautious, the upcoming month will encourage us to express our emotions openly. Building trust with others may require some patience, but once we establish a deep and meaningful connection, we will feel a strong sense of kinship with them. Selecting friendships and relationships that provide us with a sense of understanding, value, security, and joy is crucial for our personal growth and development. We will temporarily halt those who fail to do so.

The influence of the Cancer sun is fueling our determination to achieve our objectives. If you have a desire that you’ve been longing to bring into reality, now is your chance to make it happen. Healing our hearts requires a similar approach. The nurturing and compassionate energy of Cancer has the ability to bring healing to past traumas and emotional wounds. Practicing self-care enables us to make positive changes and cultivate a healthier lifestyle and mindset.

Get ready for a captivating blend of contrasting energies during Cancer season this year. With the alignment of celestial bodies in the water signs of Cancer and Pisces, along with the influence of fire planets like Mercury and Venus transitioning into Leo, our vitality and energy may experience a decline. Initiating projects may present some challenges, but by seeking external sources of inspiration, we can effortlessly attain success. When Uranus forms a harmonious aspect with the Cancer sun, we can develop a deeper appreciation for our individual and extraordinary emotions. In addition, we will come to understand that the concept of home extends beyond a physical location and encompasses the emotional connection we cultivate with our loved ones. There will be two full moons in the Capricorn sign, one on June 21 and another on July 21. The first full moon will be at 1 degree, while the second full moon will be at 29 degrees. Both lunations evoke intense desires and encourage us to define the relationship.

Cancer Season 2024: Important Astrological Dates

June 20th: The sun gracefully transitions into Cancer, marking the beginning of a fresh and exciting season. In the upcoming month, there will be a strong emphasis on developing emotional intelligence and maturity.

June 21st: A significant celestial event will occur: the strawberry full moon in Capricorn. This powerful lunar phase urges us to dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to matters of love, creativity, and everything that holds deep meaning in our lives.

June 29th: Saturn will begin its retrograde in Pisces, which will last until November 15. Now, it’s time to carefully consider our choices and determine what and who we are ready to commit to.

July 2nd: Neptune retrograde in Pisces commences and will continue until December 7. During this period, we will have the opportunity to gain clarity and see through any confusion or uncertainty.

July 2nd: Mercury gracefully transitions into Leo, infusing our communication with a touch of elegance and intensity. Words possess immense power and can create a captivating and theatrical impact.

July 5th: A powerful new moon in Cancer encourages us to focus on developing a deep emotional connection and taking care of ourselves.

July 11th: Venus gracefully moves into Leo, encouraging us to express our generosity and affection towards our loved ones. Understanding the importance of adoration, acceptance, and affection is crucial to fostering healthy and fulfilling relationships.

July 20th: Mars makes its way into Gemini, encouraging us to confidently express and comprehend our innermost desires through verbal communication.

July 21st: We have the powerful buck full moon in Capricorn, inviting us to embrace and pursue our most ambitious dreams. With unwavering belief in our passions and ourselves, we are empowered to achieve great things.

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