Home Health & Wellness Moon Water: Why You Absolutely Need to Experience the Magic of Making Full Moon Water

Moon Water: Why You Absolutely Need to Experience the Magic of Making Full Moon Water

by consciousreminder
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Every full moon gives you an incredible opportunity to harvest powerful energy to use in many areas of your life. The abundant energy of a full moon can help fuel future manifestations and re-energize your body and spirit. You can accomplish this in a variety of ways, including by using rituals.

The full moon water ritual is one of many. You should choose it for when you would like to literally drink the energy of the moon. You can use this healing water to cleanse from low-vibrational energies, balance the chakras, and even aid in physical body healing.

Water Holds Information

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s famous research demonstrates that water can store enormous amounts of information. This Japanese researcher found that frozen water changes the way it looks based on the words it hears around it. If it’s positive and loving—water freezes beautifully and perfectly when the words are mean and hateful—it looks all broken down.

German Professor Boris Koch’s team of scientists expanded on this research by confirming that water retains memories of every being or object it comes into contact with.

As you can see, this process goes beyond words. Water has the ability to absorb the energy of thoughts and intentions, as well as different astrological events. This is why charging water during the full moon is powerful; it can become a life-changing tool for you to use.

Making Full Moon Water

If you would like to have a pitcher of water absorb information from the full moon’s energy, the process is simple. During this process, what matters most is your intention and your own energy.

Your own energy will also influence the water, so it’s important to meditate beforehand to ensure your thoughts are positive and pure, and your energy field is grounded and balanced. A simple meditation, a quick, safe burning clearing, or a breathwork exercise can do the trick.

Choose the Container

When you feel ready and in a positive state of being on the full moon, get a glass container—a bottle, a glass, a pitcher, or a jar. Glass is one of the purest materials to use, as it contains no toxic chemicals like plastic. Because it is clear, unlike wood or metal, the energy will go straight into the water instead of the container itself.

Fill the container of your choice with as much filtered or distilled water as you’d like. A fuller container will look more abundant, so go by instinct and see what looks just right.

Decorate the Vessel

If you feel called to do so, decorate the container in any way that feels right. With a sharpie, you may choose to write inspirational words, quotes, or messages on it. You can surround it with gemstones. Before placing them in the water, make sure to conduct research on which gemstones are safe to use for water infusions.

You can also surround the container with flowers and leaves, or place flowers to float on top of the water—this is popular for sisterhood gatherings. Finally, you may choose to use candles; either place some around the container or put a few floating candles in the water.

Leave the Water to Charge

After the container looks good, cover it and place it outside or on a windowsill near the full moon. You want the water to absorb as much direct moonlight as possible.

You can leave it out during the day or overnight to collect sunlight and moonlight.

Charge Full Moon Water with a Blessing

The last step is to put a blessing or intention in the water. Place your hand on or over the container before leaving it for the night, and ask it to absorb the energy of abundance and bring light into a specific part of your life.

“Full moon, please charge this water with abundance and happiness.”

Your own intentional request should sound in a way that makes you feel empowered and inspired to live your best life forward.

After the blessing, you should leave the container overnight and collect it the next morning.

How to Use Full Moon Water

When you collect the full moon water in the morning, the ritualistic next step is to say another blessing, confirm the intention you placed on it the night before, and take the first sip.

If you want to use this water following the traditional ritual, you should take a sip of it every morning before eating or drinking anything else, and make it last exactly 28 days until the next full moon.

If a unique full moon, like one during an eclipse, has charged you with water, you can also reserve it for a special occasion or need. The energy will also vary depending on the month and year, and you can read about each individual full moon from an astrologist to get a sense of the specific information each full moon brings.

When the special occasion arises, when it is time to use this charged water, you can drink straight from the container or make a blessed tea using this water.

Finally, you can leave the water until you need a blessed cleansing, which will help purify your body and energy field. When that moment arrives, you can still drink from it, use a little water to refresh your face, or put a little water on your third eye.

Full moon water is a tool, so you should feel free to experiment further to see how it can best work for you. If you have an idea for another way to use it, trust your intuition and do so.

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