Home Consciousness Mercury Retrograde Pre-Shadow Phase: Decoding the Second ‘Retroshade’ of the Year

Mercury Retrograde Pre-Shadow Phase: Decoding the Second ‘Retroshade’ of the Year

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Get ready, because Mercury retrograde is just around the corner! 

But before that, we have the shadow of Mercury retrograde in Leo.

When you learn that the planet associated with communication, transportation, and technology is once again prompting us to step back and review our actions, it’s natural to feel a bit surprised and ask yourself, “Didn’t a Mercury retrograde just finish?” It’s worth noting that Mercury goes retrograde three or four times per year, and this astrological event has a lead-in period and lead-out phase known as the Mercury retrograde shadow. Indeed, there is a certain period during which Mercury gradually decelerates before each retrograde motion and then gradually accelerates again afterwards. When the planet of communication is compromised for longer than expected, it may be frustrating. However, it’s crucial to remember that you can utilize these periods to your advantage instead of fearing them.

Continue reading for a comprehensive breakdown of the upcoming Mercury retrograde shadow period. This period will begin on Tuesday, July 16, and last until Mercury officially goes retrograde on Sunday, August 4.

By gaining a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, you can enhance your inner peace.

What Exactly is the Mercury Retrograde Pre-Shadow Period (Retroshade)?

Before each Mercury retrograde, there is a pre-shadow phase of Mercury retrograde. As you may be aware, Mercury retrogrades typically span a duration of approximately three weeks. During this time, the planet of communication seems to have reversed its course from our perspective here on Earth. However, prior to going retrograde, Mercury typically takes around two weeks to gradually slow down. That’s because when Mercury is in direct motion, it becomes the swiftest planet in our solar system, completing its orbit around the sun in just 88 Earth days.

During the pre-shadow period of Mercury, you may start experiencing a sense of similarity to the retrograde phase. Technical issues may arise, causing confusion in interpersonal communication. Unexpected traffic delays may occur, even outside of peak hours. You might feel compelled to delve deeper into your inner self and engage in self-reflection. Simply put, the pre-shadow period provides a glimpse into the challenges and situations you will encounter while Mercury is in retrograde for three weeks. During Mercury’s retrograde, you might come across situations, interactions, and projects that require revision or reimagining.

Mercury’s rapid movement, whether it slows down or appears to move backward through the constellations, inevitably impacts the aspects of life it governs, including communication, transportation, and technology, regardless of the circumstances. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that approaching the shadow period differs from approaching the retrograde itself. By acknowledging the presence of a pre- or post-Mercury retrograde shadow period, you can effectively minimize stress and enhance your readiness for the expected communication challenges that may arise.

Mercury Pre-Shadow in Leo &Virgo 2024 Dates

This summer, there will be a period where Mercury will be in its pre-shadow phase starting from Tuesday, July 16/17, at 11:52 p.m. ET (5:52 a.m. CET) until the retrograde of Mercury begins on Monday, August 5 at 12:56 a.m. ET (6:56 a.m. CET).

Here’s how it works: Mercury’s pre-shadow phase begins when the planet reaches the exact degrees and minutes of the sign where it will eventually go direct, marking the end of its retrograde. On July 16 and August 28, Mercury will be positioned at 21° 24’ Leo.

Themes of the Mercury Pre-Shadow in Leo & Virgo 2024

As Mercury transitions through the later degrees of Leo and early degrees of Virgo, this Mercury retrograde pre-shadow period may offer valuable insights into your self-image, personal growth, and self-assurance (all related to Leo). Additionally, it may encourage you to focus on details, helping others, perfection, well-being, and organization (Virgo traits).

How Mercury Pre-Shadow in Leo & Virgo Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Discover how the Mercury Retroshade in Leo and Virgo will impact you, according to your zodiac sign. If you’re familiar with your sun and rising sign, make sure to read both. If you don’t have it, you can find it in your birth chart or by using the CafeAstrology calculator.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

During the Mercury pre-shadow, you may find yourself contemplating how to assert yourself and express your creativity in your romantic relationships and daily life, bringing a sense of playfulness and joy. It seems that taking a break from demanding deadlines and long work hours could be a possibility in the coming weeks. When the messenger planet moves into your wellness sector on July 25, you’ll have the opportunity to carefully consider and reassess your daily routine and how you prioritize your health.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Mercury will be entering a phase of deceleration in your home zone, prompting you to carefully examine your relationships with loved ones and even the tasks related to your physical home. Consider the importance of reflecting on past experiences and engaging in meaningful conversations with your loved ones. It is also essential to prioritize your emotional well-being and create a sense of security within yourself. During its pre-shadow, Mercury will also be in your romance and self-expression sectors, encouraging you to embrace spontaneity and be open to letting go of rigid plans. This influence may inspire you to have more fun and enjoy the company of your loved ones.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The pre-shadow period of Mercury begins in your communication sector, which coincidentally aligns with the zone associated with your sign (a zone you are well-acquainted with!). In turn, you’ll get a glimpse of what lies ahead during this retrograde period. It is highly probable that you may encounter some technological glitches, experience delays in transportation, and face a higher likelihood of miscommunications with both friends and colleagues. However, this is a wonderful opportunity to revisit and revitalize skills that you previously put on hold. When Mercury enters your home zone on July 25, you’ll have the opportunity to reflect on your emotional foundations and relationships with loved ones.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Now is the perfect moment to gain a comprehensive understanding of your financial objectives and ensure that you have a thorough grasp of all the intricacies of budgeting, saving, and investing. This is especially important as Mercury is gradually decelerating in your financial sector. This sector also encompasses matters of self-worth, which is a theme that may be of particular significance to you at this time. If you want to enhance your skills and receive the recognition you deserve at work, consider using this upcoming retrograde period to focus on personal growth in that area. With Mercury in your communication sector, you may find yourself contemplating adjustments to your platonic or collegial relationships.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You will become more conscious of your self-image and identity, as well as how you present yourself to the world, as Mercury’s pre-shadow phase commences in your sign. Given this sector’s position in your chart, it’s important to pay attention to the dynamics of your one-on-one relationships. They can either be a source of support or a hindrance to your progress. (During the retrograde period, you will have the opportunity to deeply contemplate and enhance these dynamics.) Pay attention to Mercury’s movement into your financial sector, particularly during its retrograde. Reflect on the projects you’re currently investing your time and effort in and evaluate how they contribute to your sense of self-value.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

As Mercury, your ruling planet, enters its pre-shadow phase in your spirituality sector, it will focus on your psychological well-being, intuition, dreams, and restorative practices. This will provide a strong foundation for you to express yourself more openly. You will be encouraged to contemplate how you are nurturing this aspect of your life and consider any adjustments that may be necessary for you to achieve a greater sense of balance. Mercury will soon enter your sign before its retrograde, so you can expect to explore themes related to self-image, confidence, and identity. These aspects will likely be prominent in your life at this time. You may be wondering how to boost your self-esteem.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Pay close attention to your emotions when interacting with various communities, teams, or groups of friends, as Mercury’s pre-shadow period begins in your networking sector. It seems that you desire a stronger sense of connection at the moment. However, it seems that the people around you don’t meet your expectations or share your perspective. It might be necessary to make some adjustments to ensure that you feel fully supported. During this time, the messenger planet will also be in your spiritual zone. It would be beneficial for you to listen to your inner voice and pay attention to your dreams. They may offer valuable insights into aspirations that you can start contemplating and researching now.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

With Mercury starting to slow down, it’s a favorable time to consider your interactions with authority figures and your own sense of authority in your career. It’s possible that you’re experiencing a misunderstanding or conflict with someone in a position of authority. Remember, you may not be able to control their actions or behavior, but you are empowered to shape your own perspective and bring about significant transformation. During Mercury’s retrograde period, you will dedicate yourself to this self-work. Mercury will also be present in your networking zone, providing valuable opportunities for connection and collaboration. Take note of those who are currently supporting you, and consider forming alliances with colleagues or friends who can provide you with a sense of connection and support.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Mercury’s pre-shadow phase commences in your adventure sector, which happens to be the area of your chart associated with your sign. As a result, you may experience a heightened sense of restlessness and an even stronger desire for exploration and new experiences. However, launching ambitious, worldwide aspirations may pose a slightly greater challenge at the moment. Instead, I suggest expanding your horizons by exploring new philosophies or perspectives. During the upcoming weeks, you may find yourself inclined to explore new perspectives and reimagine your worldview. Mercury spending time in your career zone during the pre-shadow is an excellent opportunity to delve into your professional path and strategize how to overcome any obstacles on your journey to success.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Mercury will first slow down in the area of your life that deals with intimacy and emotional connections. This will make you focus on your needs and what makes your closest relationships comfortable. It may be necessary to establish and maintain new boundaries while also evaluating shared financial objectives in this area of mutual resources. Take a moment to reflect on the necessary adjustments that could propel you forward and help you reach your goals. Mercury is in your higher learning sector during its pre-shadow, so it’s a good time to reflect on your worldview and personal philosophies. You may be acquiring knowledge from a class, mentor, or trusted friend, which you can then reflect on and integrate into your worldview.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

It would be wise to closely observe the dynamics within your one-on-one relationships, as Mercury’s pre-shadow begins in your partnership zone. If you’re experiencing a lack of reciprocity in a certain bond or if you feel that a particular friendship or romantic relationship is hindering your progress, it can be beneficial to acknowledge this. By doing so, you will initiate the process of the upcoming retrograde. The messenger planet, which resides in your intimate zone, is currently drawing your attention. This means that your deepest emotions and closest relationships are receiving a significant amount of focus at the moment.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

During this period of Mercury pre-shadow, there is a noticeable impact on your wellness and daily routine. It would be wise to consider areas of your everyday life that may require adjustments or do not benefit you as much as they should. Take a moment to evaluate if declining certain tasks, obligations, or self-care routines will truly benefit your overall well-being in the future. Mercury’s pre-shadow in your partnership sector will direct your attention towards your one-on-one relationships, negotiations, and mediations. It is essential to understand how these interactions influence your sense of self during the retrograde.

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