Home Consciousness August’s Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius Most & Least Affected Zodiac Signs

August’s Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius Most & Least Affected Zodiac Signs

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by Conscious Reminder

Prepare yourself. These growing pains are completely normal and nothing to be concerned about.

Prepare yourself for another cosmic event that may add to the turbulence of August’s Mercury retrograde—the upcoming full moon in Aquarius on August 19. This full moon marks the beginning of a series of Supermoons for the year, and it holds significant astrological significance. Currently, the alignment of the planets is facilitating significant transformations and important choices for all zodiac signs. However, growth often presents its own set of challenges, with the impact of August’s full moon particularly intense for those zodiac signs most affected, and for a few lucky zodiac signs, the growing pains won’t feel quite as sensitive.

In the sign of Aquarius, August’s most radiant lunation, also called the Sturgeon Moon, serves as a significant cosmic reminder that staying true to oneself is essential, even if it entails letting go of cherished things or confronting challenging realities. During this lunation, the sun and moon will form a precise T-square with Aquarius’ influential cosmic ruler, Uranus. This presents you with a challenge to step outside of your comfort zone and discover how to embrace your unique path.

With the presence of a full moon, there is also a challenging T-square formed by Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These aspects are known to be quite frustrating, which is why this particular full moon may prove to be difficult for certain zodiac signs. A T-square consists of two square aspects and one opposition, which are considered the most challenging major aspects. These configurations occur when planets interact with each other from three different corners of the zodiac wheel.

T-squares can create intense and volatile alignments, placing immense pressure on the energy of the moment and leading tensions to reach a climax. When these events happen, it can often feel as though you are compelled to confront the situation and make necessary adjustments in your life. There is some positive news. T-squares can be instrumental in motivating individuals to take action, facilitating the resolution of stagnant circumstances, and ultimately leading to a breakthrough.

Given the simultaneous occurrence of two T-squares, one affecting the fixed signs and the other the mutable signs, it is highly likely that the majority of individuals will experience the impact of this full moon in various aspects of their lives. Given the positioning of the sun and moon in Leo and Aquarius, respectively, individuals born under these signs may experience the strongest impact from the intense energy of this full moon, which also presents opportunities for personal growth. However, those fortunate individuals belonging to the two zodiac signs least affected by August’s full moon can feel a sense of relief, as they will navigate through this celestial event with relative ease compared to others.

Here are the zodiac signs that are most and least affected by the August 19th Full Moon.

Zodiac Signs Most Affected by August’s Full Moon in Aquarius

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This full moon marks the grand finale of your birthday season, Leo. As a result, it promises to be nothing short of a captivating spectacle. The sun in your sign is in a challenging position with the full moon on August 19, and both planets are in conflict with unpredictable Uranus, leading to unforeseen revelations and changes in both your professional and romantic relationships. You are gaining valuable insights on how to present yourself more genuinely in the world. Coming full moon will encourage you to face your emotions, especially those related to promises you’ve made or relationships you’re building.

With the sun in your sign closely aligned with Mercury retrograde during the full moon, it may be challenging to perceive yourself from others’ perspectives. This cosmic phenomenon might even lead you to question your own identity. However, this lunation reveals both the positive and negative aspects, so seize this opportunity for clarity and endeavor to view yourself with empathy.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The most significant lunation of August takes place in your sign. This presents an opportunity for self-reflection and addressing any insecurities you may have. It’s time to work on building confidence and replacing those insecurities. Embrace the opportunity to let go of your past and embrace a new, more genuine version of yourself. It’s time to evolve and grow. Embrace your individuality and break free from societal norms. Release anything that doesn’t resonate with your true self.

During this lunation, the sun and the full moon will be squared off by your ruling planet Uranus, adding an extra touch of unpredictability to your lunar experience. It appears that you’re feeling quite at ease in your current situation. However, I encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. By doing so, you can establish a fresh set of guidelines to live by.

Zodiac Signs Least Affected by August’s Full Moon in Aquarius

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Being ruled by the moon, you have a deep connection to the lunar cycles, and this connection is particularly strong during the August full moon. Nevertheless, in comparison to other zodiac signs, your day-to-day life will not be significantly disrupted by this celestial occurrence. The full moon illuminates your enigmatic eighth house, revealing profound secrets, fears, and vulnerabilities that lie beneath the surface.

Now is the perfect moment to reassess the focus of your energy. Which area is it focused on: work, relationships, or self-improvement? Or are there certain aspects of your life that may not be worth your time and effort? Stay receptive and open-minded, as the solutions you’re searching for will ultimately come to you.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

In August, the full moon will have an impact on your financial situation. It is advisable to take a moment to assess your finances and consider unconventional approaches if you need to make any changes. Capricorn, you tend to be quite traditional when it comes to managing your material resources. However, blindly following familiar routines without considering alternatives may not always be the most prudent decision. Occasionally, taking calculated risks can lead to significant rewards.

During the Mercury retrograde, it is advisable to exercise caution when considering any financial decisions or risky investments. It might be beneficial to step outside of your comfort zone and approach things from a fresh perspective.

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