Home Health & Wellness 5 Crystals to Help You Navigate Through the Harvest Full Supermoon in Pisces

5 Crystals to Help You Navigate Through the Harvest Full Supermoon in Pisces

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Harvest Moon is the first Full Moon of Autumn. Being in the water sign of Pisces, the Harvest Moon on the 17th/18th of September, 2024, will be emotionally charged.

We’ve got five crystals here to help you navigate these tricky waters.

Use them how you like and stay in control this Harvest Moon:

Apache Tear

This crystal is most effective in helping someone get over grief and trauma. Since the Full Moon brings out feelings of trauma that could have been present since childhood, you need this black obsidian volcanic crystal that will help you reconcile with past differences.

The best way to use it would be to place it in your pocket, since it protects one from psychic attacks and makes way for positive vibrations.


This stone is yet another needed to provide compassion to the mind. It helps to let go of unresolved traumas from one’s past. And the Full Moon is all about working on emotional trauma.

All you need to do is keep it on your desk at work and let it calm you down. This stone is useful when you’re applying for interviews or other assessment purposes. The Full Moon might get a bit rough, so use it to not get lost in the intricacies of it all.


This silvery purple crystal contains lithium, one of the most famous and effective crystals around. It is used as an antidepressant and in anti-anxiety pills. This will be important this Full Moon, for we would be simply balancing the struggles our emotions would suffer through.

The best way to use it would be to put it under your pillow and sleep. Not only does it help maintain emotional balance, but it also prevents nightmares.

Clear Topaz

This crystal will be able to provide you with a very existential meaning to your life. If you are searching for your identity, this crystal will deliver you some meaning behind what previously seemed incomprehensible.

This helps when you are constantly questioning the existence behind everything that seems to draw out the past.

The best way to use this crystal would be to place it under the moonlight and search for the images that come up. But you can’t just look at it with a disturbed mind. You need to clear your mind and then look at the clairvoyant images.


This crystal’s compassionate healing would be necessary for this Full Moon. When you are filled with heartbreak, you need this crystal to console you and get rid of your sorrows.

Rhodochrosite can be used for meditation. Use it while you are thinking about forgiveness. Since the Full Moon may bring up past incidents that have wounded you, you need to use this crystal to overcome and resolve them.

These crystals would definitely help if you believed in them. Have a safe Moon ahead!

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