Home Consciousness Powerful Autumn Equinox Rituals to Attract Wealth & Success in the Season to Come

Powerful Autumn Equinox Rituals to Attract Wealth & Success in the Season to Come

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Summer’s heat is becoming a distant memory. Now, the only thing we’ll have to look forward to is the cold.

The autumn equinox marks the beginning of the next phase of the seasonal cycle on September 22, 2024. It signifies the point at which we have finished harvesting our winter crops and are preparing for a period of hibernation and rest. As bittersweet as the transition may be, the autumn equinox brings with it the promise of balance, abundance, prosperity, and wealth. After all, our spirits were free to roam during the summer. Now is the time to reap the benefits of our efforts, and these autumn equinox rituals for 2024 will bring you all the good fortune you’ve been longing for.

If you adore summer and despise the seasonal transition with every fiber of your being, you need a reminder of why autumn is stunning in its own right. In fact, autumn is brimming with poetry and spiritual peace. Because the autumn equinox is a day when the day is as long as the night, the season is characterized by harmony and balance. While the autumn equinox celebrations are not as lively and bright as those of the summer solstice, they do carry a poignant understanding of the cycle of life. Everything comes and goes, but there is satisfaction in every moment.

As always, prepare your space for your ritual by using sacred smoke, such as white sage, or a cleansing crystal, such as selenite. You don’t want any negative vibrations interfering with your plans.

• A ritual to initiate prosperity in your life

Do you want to be successful in your chosen field? Do you desire recognition and rewards for your efforts? Are you ready to be proud of your achievements? If so, this prosperity ritual will assist you in getting there.

You will require:

  • One yellow candle
  • Malachite crystal (or crystal of your choice)
  • Pen and paper

Light your yellow candle. Take a few deep breaths, focusing on a smooth inhale and exhale. When you feel ready, arrange your crystal near you. Begin by outlining your definition of success. Describe it as succinctly as possible, writing as if your success has already occurred. You can also create a visual representation of your success.

When you’re ready, repeat these words:

No matter the odds that are stacked against me,

I shall always be filled with prosperity.

Spend some time visualizing what you want. Imagine how wonderful it is to be so successful. Allow your creativity to run wild. Allow the candle to burn completely. To attract success, keep your paper in a safe place and your crystal nearby.

• The ritual about attracting wealth wherever you go

Do you want to increase your wealth? Do you need some extra money? Do you want a more lucrative job? Then perhaps a money-making ritual is right for you.

You will require:

  • One green candle
  • Citrine crystal (or any crystal you like)
  • One coin

Light your green candle. Place the crystal on one side of the candle, and the coin on the other. Consider money flowing in your direction. Consider what this increase in wealth means to you. Perhaps it signifies an increase in your income. Perhaps it appears as an unexpected check in the mail. Whatever your fantasy looks like, consider how fortunate you feel to have more wealth in your life. Consider what you will do with your newfound wealth.

When you’re ready, say the following:

Wherever I go, wealth follows me.

The universe showers me with wealth and feeds me with money.

Use your voice with total conviction, believing every word. Allow your candle to burn completely. Keep it in your wallet or purse. Don’t waste it. It has now become your lucky charm. To attract abundance, keep your citrine crystal nearby at all times.

• A ritual to fill your heart with love

Do you want some real romance in your life? Are you looking for a new lover? Do you merely desire to be surrounded by love and friendship? Then this heart-filling ritual is ideal for you.

You will require:

  • One pink candle
  • Rose quartz (or any crystal you’d prefer)
  • Bath salts
  • Lavender and/or rose essential oil

Light your pink candle. Make a bath for yourself. Begin pouring in the bath salts as the tub fills with water. Add as many drops of essential oils as you want. Put these ingredients together with a loving intention in mind. Lie down in your bath, with your rose quartz close to your heart. Consider love to be a pink, warm light floating through your heart. Consider what love means to you. Maybe this love is based on friendship. Perhaps this love appears more passionate and less platonic. Allow these loving vibrations to enter your heart.

Begin draining your bath whenever you are ready. Allow yourself to be soothed by the loving ritual you have just completed. Keep your rose quartz close at hand, because it will always attract the love you seek.

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