Home Consciousness Gentle Giant Jupiter Goes Retrograde & It’s All About Seeing the Bigger Picture

Gentle Giant Jupiter Goes Retrograde & It’s All About Seeing the Bigger Picture

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The planet Jupiter will go retrograde soon, and everything from right now feels entirely upside-down.

Jupiter will enter its retrograde phase in Gemini, starting on 9 October 2024 and concluding on 4 February 2025. With Jupiter’s entry into the sign of Gemini, governed by Mercury, on May 26 of this year, we find ourselves in a transformative period not experienced since the summer of 2013. This year invites us to unlearn outdated beliefs and emphasizes the importance of critical thinking. It is a time to remain steadfast in our authentic expression, regardless of external challenges.

Jupiter, the planet of abundant growth, reveals immense possibilities, encompassing both brilliance and obscurity in the sign it graces. In the mutable air sign of Gemini, Jupiter finds itself in a state often referred to as its ‘fall.’ This positioning suggests a distinctive rhythm that may evoke a plethora of inquiries rather than providing clear resolutions. This fresh viewpoint, potentially residing in your blind spots, unveils aspects of yourself that you may not have previously recognized. As Jupiter enters its retrograde phase, you may notice these themes manifesting with an intriguing resonance in your life, particularly within the domain governed by Gemini in your natal chart.

Challenge your convictions.

Many of you might find yourselves pondering the origins of the thoughts and beliefs you have accumulated throughout your journey. In the vast cosmos of opinions that surround us, it can often be challenging to discern whether we have cultivated our own unique perspectives or simply absorbed the influences of others. The interplay of ideas can cloud our judgment, making it essential to reflect inward and seek clarity amidst the noise. Authenticity extends beyond simple self-identification, deeply ingrained in our thoughts and perceptions. Now is an opportune moment to release the superfluous thoughts that have resided in your mind. Purify your environment with the sacred essence of palo santo, bringing renewal and new beginnings into your life.

Embrace the duality that resides within you.

Consider the Gemini totem, symbolized by the ‘twins,’ as a celestial prompt to welcome your dualities and challenge the beliefs you may have about your true self. In the realm of psychology, the notion of ‘self-concept’ encompasses the intricate perceptions that an individual holds about their own identity. This is a core element of an individual’s identity, shaping their interactions with the world, guiding their decision-making processes, and influencing their relationships with others. You are about to release the burdens of self-judgment that once weighed heavily upon you. This transformative shift will pave the way for a deeper sense of wholeness, enabling you to redefine your self-concept in its entirety, embracing every facet of your being.

Confidently discovering your unique expression.

Throughout your journey, when have you felt the profound sensation of genuine understanding? What actions or words did you express that contributed to the significance of those moments? This moment presents a unique opportunity for you to delve into your inquiries. If there are discussions that have lingered in the background, you may feel a compelling need to engage in them now. Embrace the opportunity to express your thoughts freely. Embrace and nurture the vulnerable aspects of your inner self that may harbor anxieties regarding the transformative journey of expressing your truth. Trust that this courageous act will ultimately lead to a sense of liberation and well-being. Your inner strength is greater than you realize.

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