Home Consciousness Mars Retrograde 2024: Time to Trust the Universe & Slow Down

Mars Retrograde 2024: Time to Trust the Universe & Slow Down

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by Conscious Reminder

Everyone is familiar with the term “Mercury retrograde”—the time when Mercury seems to move backward and throws communication and technology into chaos—even if they don’t follow astrology closely.

Having said that, are you aware that every planet in astrology goes retrograde at some point?

We witness Mercury retrograde multiple times a year due to the fact that it is the closest planet to the Sun and has a faster orbit. However, we are not immune to retrogrades of other kinds at any point in the year. About every two years, Mars will go retrograde.

Mars Retrograde 2024: Dates & Meaning

Mars, the planet of action, fury, aggressiveness, vitality, and passion, will go retrograde in 2024 for a single period beginning December 6, 2024, and ending February 23, 2025. These dates will coincide to a lesser extent with the final Mercury retrograde period of 2024, which begins on November 25 and ends on December 15. On January 6, 2025, Mars will begin its retrograde motion in the fire sign of Leo and then return to Cancer. Since Mars is in Cancer, a fall position, the difficulties of a Mars retrograde are amplified. Mars is already weak in this sign, and its ardor is already dampened.

Mars Retrograde 2024 & Astrology

Mars in retrograde is a reminder to move slowly. Actually, you might find that you’re too tired or uninspired to do much of anything, so you have to take things easy. We may be compelled to embrace the warm and fuzzy feelings of the end-of-year season by this Mars retrograde. If you’re not already exhausted, the hectic pace of the holidays might hit you harder than normal. Holiday get-togethers may sap your vitality. The enchantment of the holidays may not be as strong this year, for whatever reason.

You may find yourself struggling to make decisions or making impulsive, strange choices. Since Mars’ intensity has diminished, you run the risk of making poor decisions if you don’t give careful thought to the outcomes. Remember to take a deep breath whenever you feel the need to do so; otherwise, your anger may get the best of you. To avoid hurting someone or something in the long run, it’s best to stroll about and calm down before getting into an argument.

Despite the fact that this retrograde is beginning in attention-loving Leo, even the most extroverted individuals may feel the need to retreat indoors and prioritize self-care. Indulging in spa days, binge-watching, and solitary nature walks can be incredibly satisfying. The arrival of the new year will be marked by a lack of enthusiasm due to Mars’s passage into Cancer. Developing a regular meditation or journaling routine would be wonderful goals to pursue in the coming year. You will find it difficult to do anything that requires you to leave your house or use a lot of energy. Some people may experience unusually high levels of emotional sensitivity for no apparent reason.

Things to Avoid During Mars Retrograde

In early December, when Mars and Mercury are both in retrograde, it’s best to sit back and contemplate rather than take any sort of action. Feeling physically unable to do as much as before is a common experience. Whatever it is that you focus on when you’re energized might feel like climbing an escalator. Get inside and start making plans instead of letting this depress you or demotivate you. Take stock of your goals for the next year and make a strategy to achieve them. Also, remember to:

  • Avoid starting new conflicts or arguments. It may be hard to avoid, but conflicts that start during Mars retrograde often go around in circles, and the initiator often loses big time. This includes starting new legal proceedings.
  • Avoid pushing yourself too hard physically. This low energy may increase your risk of accidents and injuries.
  • Avoid starting new projects. You may find that projects started during Mars retrograde fizzle out or encounter significant issues.

How to Make the Most of Mars Retrograde?

Although many people worry excessively about retrograde periods, there are some positive aspects as well. During a retrograde, it’s wise to take stock of where you are and why you came from. Mars retrogrades are a good time to:

  • Instead of being stubborn about getting your way, try to be flexible and open to compromise.
  • Show more consideration when you speak. During Mars retrograde, it’s easy to make hasty decisions that you may later regret due to your anger.
  • Take stock of your enthusiasm and drive in life. Would you say that your enthusiasm and drive in life are heading in the right direction? Take some time to reflect on your desires; however, wait to initiate any major new projects until the retrograde has passed.

Mars Retrograde 2024: Which Zodiac Signs Are Most Affected?

Although everyone will experience some degree of this retrograde, those with Mars in Aries may feel its effects more acutely than others. Those who have planets in the signs of Leo and Cancer—particularly Mars—during this retrograde may also experience its effects. Lastly, since Mars rules the first house, those whose first houses are particularly dense or prominent may also experience a stronger 2024 Mars retrograde.

Mars appears to go forward, then backward, then forward again throughout a retrograde, and it may cross over any natal planets that are in the area many times. This time around, a recurring theme may keep cropping up for those with that recurring transit conjunction.

Retrogrades: Do Planets Really Move Backwards?

The apparent backward movement of a planet is the only indication that it is in retrograde motion. Actually, it’s not going backwards. As a result of Earth’s comparatively slower speed relative to other planets, astronomers observe planetary motions known as retrogrades. Due to Earth’s greater velocity relative to Mars, the red planet experiences retrograde motion around once every 26 months. Mars is being “lapped” on the solar system’s “racetrack” by Earth.

The Effects of Retrograde Motion on Astrology

Typically, a planet’s strength decreases and its qualities become somewhat chaotic when it goes retrograde. Its somewhat disorganized impact on Earthian life is understandable given that it deviates from its usual trajectory and purpose.

Astrologers of old thought that a planet in retrograde motion was paying a visit to the underworld. They believed that the world was entering a period of contemplation and enlightenment. Astrologers still view retrogrades as a time for looking back, reflecting, and assessing past events and ideas.

When we are in close proximity to a planet that is in retrograde—for example, when Mercury and Venus are in conjunction—or when the planet is passing through our solar system, we experience a retrograde motion. According to some astrologers, drawing near to a planet amplifies its energies, making its characteristics more apparent.

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