Home Consciousness An Easy Ritual to Practice During the Days Around the Worm Full Moon in Virgo

An Easy Ritual to Practice During the Days Around the Worm Full Moon in Virgo

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

On the 14th of March, 2025, we are going to witness another beautiful Full Moon, falling in the sign of Virgo, which will already give us a bit of spring fever.

So, we can channel those cleansing energies of the purest of Zodiac with the earth-conscious ritual for this Full Moon.

Being a grounded and earth sign, the tender sign of Virgo is best known for its purity and innocence—just like the small shoots of the early spring, which appear on the surface, reminding us that life has to continue.

Diet based on plants for a few days if it seems right to you.

The Full Moon or also called the Worm Moon, happening in the sign of Virgo, is going to give us the chance to establish a connection with the real source of our sustenance: some plants that emit oxygen with the process of photosynthesis and that give us the chance to breathe.

In fact, plants give life force energies to our bodies and even vitamins when we ingest them. When celebrating what is helping us thrive, we should devote our day to a plant-based and vegetarian diet.

We should be thankful for every green that grows and nourishes us and our bodies and even sometimes becomes our own medicine.

The sign of Virgo is not just a sign that is caring, but it is also the ruler of our pets too. We have to use the day in order to give love to our pets or to every other animal on this planet, as we will keep them in our hearts, instead of on our plates.

However, this does not mean that we condemn carnivores, because not every person in the world can be a vegetarian.

During this day, we should stay away from salmon and burgers and pay more attention to those animals that shared their own lives in order to nurture us. We can make some delicious recipes based on plants in our meal plan.

We can find millions of ideas online. We can even try a soup or juice cleanse, and we can incorporate a smoothie packed with fruits and vegetables into our day.

Here are some other ideas for this Full Moon:

  • We can make an elixir from flower essence. We should put about six or seven drops of the flower essence, such as Bach line, found at a lot of natural food grocers, into an 8-oz glass of water, just three times during the day. We should do this for two weeks so we can notice if some area of our life transforms.
  • Book an appointment or a massage with some practitioner.
  • Clean our home, starting with the room that will need the most cleaning.
  • Delete unnecessary mail from our inbox or organize our messages into folders.
  • Organize and nerd out our record collection or bookshelves. We can even donate some older books, which we don’t need anymore, to a small library, or we can even build our own.

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