by Shift
Man (“male” or “female”) lives in a reality governed by the Law of Polarity. This type of reality is unique because it allows the manifestation of positive and negative experiences.
These experiences are great for teaching the souls/spirits of men to transcend dynamic life lessons, so they can evolve into enlightened beings.
In order for you to know yourself at the deepest level of your being, you need to experience the expressions of the divine feminine and divine masculine energies, so you can grow spiritually and expand your consciousness, allowing you to “innerstand” good and evil.
The problem with humanity is that most of us have forgotten who we really are and lack the commitment of personal responsibility. Because of this, the divine feminine and divine masculine energies have become heavily unbalanced, causing “sickness” and destructive ideas to manifest in the energy fields of our collective body (Earth).
The divine feminine and divine masculine energies play essential roles in your life, because when both of them are working and dancing together in a harmonious way, they allow you to innerstand life better.
When you acquire enough knowledge and experience to merge both of these two divine energies in a harmonious way, it allows you to achieve true spiritual enlightenment and intelligence. Because of this, learning how to balance the divine feminine and divine masculine energies is the key to spiritual enlightenment.
What Is the Divine Feminine Energy?
The divine feminine energy is an intelligent invisible energy that has the quality of intuition, compassion, emotion, creativity, empathy, collaboration, holistic thought and right brain thinking. From the perspective of electromagnetism, the divine feminine energy is the electrical force and the divine masculine energy is the magnetic force.
What Is the Divine Masculine Energy?
The divine masculine energy is an intelligent invisible energy that possesses the quality of analytic and rational thinking, competition, determination, linear thinking, action, and left brain thinking.
Because of this, people who have a lot of the qualities of the divine masculine energy are often great in math and science. Most people have been conditioned to support the divine masculine energy, which is why we live in a society that relies heavily on math and science to comprehend life.
It is essential to know that the divine feminine energy does not necessarily represent the female body and the divine masculine energy does not necessarily represent the male body. Furthermore, every man or woman has both the divine feminine and divine masculine energies inside him or her.
The Fundamental Cause of Human Suffering
The imbalance of the divine feminine and divine masculine energies is the fundamental cause of human suffering, because it steers us away from living in a state of balance and harmony with Nature.
Today, we live in a world where the divine masculine energy has become so strong and distorted that it has weakened the divine feminine energy, preventing it from expressing its qualities effectively.
The distorted version of the divine masculine energy is the fundamental cause of humanity’s obsession to exploit Nature and life.
It is humanity’s obsession with the divine masculine energy that has weakened the divine feminine energy, allowing the masculine power within humanity to grow out of control and manifest the desire to want to prove to mother Nature that the masculine force is better than the feminine force.
This obsession or “sickness” has manifested anti-nature ideas, such as transhumanism, dogmatic religion and genetic engineering.
Throughout human history, many stories in religion have warned us about the dangers of not living in harmony with nature. One of those stories involves the characters Adam and Eve. As described in my enlightening book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words.
The main reason why the world is such a mess is because we live in a reality where the divine masculine energy has become so strong and distorted that it has endangered the integrity of the harmonious interaction between the divine feminine and divine masculine energies. The result of this distortion has manifested potentially destructive things to Mother Nature, such as wars, nuclear weapons, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, genetically modified organisms, dogmatic religion, and government.
Transhumanism is nothing more than the distorted version of the divine masculine energy wanting to prove to the Supreme Creator that it can bear life and achieve immortality without the human body. It is left-brain dominant scientists’ sick way of wanting to prove to Mother Nature that men can bear life without the assistance of women.
The path of transhumanism will not lead to eternal life; instead, it will eventually lead to the destruction of the human race. Men and women need to learn how to balance their divine masculine and divine feminine energies, so that they can live in harmony with one another or they will eventually destroy themselves and Mother Earth.
It is essential to know that each man or woman has both the divine masculine and divine feminine energies inside him or her. However, women often have more attributes of the divine feminine energy and men often have more attributes of the divine masculine energy. The action of men waging a war against the divine feminine energy is pointless, because they are only waging a war against themselves. This also applies to women waging a war against the divine masculine energy.
To prevent the distorted version of the divine masculine energy from destroying our home (Earth), we need to learn how to live in harmony with Nature. This can be achieved by learning how to see and appreciate the beauty of Nature and balancing the divine feminine and divine masculine energies.
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Source: shift
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