Home Consciousness The Spectacular Full Moon In Fiery Sagittarius, June 2023: Everything You Need To Know

The Spectacular Full Moon In Fiery Sagittarius, June 2023: Everything You Need To Know

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

We are reminded that the journey to find our truth is where the magic happens beneath the full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3/4, 2023. Sagittarius does not guarantee a rainbow-and-unicorn-filled life. It ensures that if you are willing, you can discover the deeper meaning of any life experience.

This full Moon demonstrates that Sagittarius is ultimately concerned with truth. It teaches us that as we gain appreciation for the wisdom gained from some of the more difficult paths we’ve taken, it becomes easier to choose new ones. Instead of being concerned about what might happen, we recognize that anything can happen at any time and that we will always make the best of it.

What the Full Moon in Sagittarius Means for You

Sagittarius represents the wanderer, teacher, and philosopher. It is also the muse and the seeker of the truth. This sign, depicted as a half-human, half-horse holding a bow and arrow, represents many things. It teaches us that we, too, are many things. We expand our consciousness by remaining curious about the many facets of ourselves.

Consider yourself the arrow as you travel through this full Moon in Sagittarius. As the archer’s arrow flies through the air, it encounters a plethora of reality currents. These insights and big-picture perspectives are more important than where the arrow lands. Gather the information you require without regard for where you will land. Gather the information you require without regard for where you will land. Allow yourself to take as many twists and turns as you need to experience the change that is approaching you. Be open to seeing your reality through new eyes and keep looking for the bigger picture.

We have a strong desire for adventure under the influence of this fire sign. The potent full Moon in Sagittarius teaches us to value our life’s quests. Some of these quests may be true adventures that take us to exotic locations, such as climbing Machu Picchu or sailing around the world. Others, such as having a child or starting a business, may be adventures that keep us closer to home. Some of the most exciting adventures can occur in our minds as we break free from old patterns.

While the details of these quests vary greatly, they all take us somewhere new, reveal undeniable truths, and force us to confront our deepest fears. Feel what great quest you are currently on or what is calling you toward it as you work with the full Moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarius teaches us to take leaps of faith to overcome our fears and to expect the best.

Sagittarius is known for its positive vibrations, but it sees the world as neutral. What happens is what happens, and it is always meant to be. Sagittarius assists us in finding the silver linings in the most difficult situations. It teaches us that life is full of lessons to be learned, and that as long as you’re learning, you’re living.

There will be twists and turns in any adventure. There will be difficulties whether you are climbing a mountain, raising a child, or sitting in silence for tens of days on a meditation retreat. There will also be moments of clarity, gratitude, and optimism. There will be nights when you feel isolated and cold. There will be bright mornings when you will be grateful for every breath you take.

Adventures of any kind are not always supposed to be easy and carefree. If they were, they would be unable to provide the necessary lessons. While an easy path can teach us important lessons, it is often the more difficult ones that teach us the most.

Full Moon in Sagittarius with the Sun in Gemini

We are also working with the energy of Gemini, where the Sun is currently located, during the full Moon in Sagittarius. When the Moon and Sun oppose each other, the full spectrum of vibrations governed by the Gemini and Sagittarius axis is revealed.

We all carry Sagittarius and Gemini energies within our bodies. Even if these are not prominent placements in our natal chart, we carry the energy of all twelve zodiac signs and can align with their higher or lower frequencies at different times.

Sagittarius and Gemini are mirror images of each other. Sagittarius sees the big picture while Gemini focuses on the details. Sagittarius communicates to teach, while Gemini communicates to learn. Gemini seeks duality in order to comprehend the world, whereas Sagittarius seeks ultimate truths that provide a higher unification of all energies.

In many ways, these two signs assist us in integrating our left, logical brain with our right, creative side. Their integration allows us to stay curious, ask questions, and seek answers while knowing that we are truly seeking a higher understanding. We also understand how to apply these higher philosophies to daily tasks. By combining the higher vibrations of Sagittarius and Gemini, we can discover the magic in the mundane.

Both of these energies are required at different times to assist us in learning, evolving, and broadening our perspectives. The full Moon in Sagittarius provides an opportunity to assess how we are integrating these energies and where we may be holding onto lower vibrations. We can let go of these attachments once we are aware of them. We can see the details and connect them to understand the greater meaning of any experience when we learn how to integrate their higher vibrations.

Gemini is the twins’ sign. Every situation has two opposing sides, according to these. Gemini’s energy moves quickly, assisting us in scanning any experience and locating the details within it. This fast-paced nature also allows us to notice dualities. We can gain a better understanding of the bigger picture by looking at the extreme sides of any energy.

When we align with Gemini’s opportunities, we become fascinated by the world around us, wanting to learn everything we can about its mysteries. We become the observer, and as a result, we are less reactive to our emotions. The high side of Gemini enables us to detach from our emotions while remaining present with them. This nonreactive state allows us to keep learning without having to close our minds due to fear, misunderstanding, or anxiety. We open ourselves to receiving signs from the world around us when we are open to different forms of communication.

Gemini’s shadow side includes judgment, closed-mindedness, and a sense of being ungrounded. When we align with this side, we become fearful of the world around us because our nervous energy takes over. The mind jumps from one thought to the next, with nothing to anchor it. We either react to our emotions with anxiety or by numbing ourselves so that we don’t feel anything at all. In this state, we are unable to process our emotions properly, and they cause havoc behind the scenes. To alleviate our anxiety, we bombard ourselves and those around us with questions while we seek answers. We dismiss intuition and insist on logic as the only path. We may even develop tunnel vision, focusing on only a few aspects of a situation and losing sight of the bigger picture.

Ground yourself through your breath and body if you find yourself aligning with the lower frequencies of Gemini on this full Moon or at any time. Practice yoga to reconnect with your physical body and get out of your head. Try to feel your emotions, even if they are frightening. Use Gemini’s communication to journal, talk to a friend, or simply listen as someone speaks to you. Feel your intuition guiding you and trust that all the answers you need right now will come to you easily. You don’t have to be concerned about the future or try to control it. You simply have to be willing to communicate with yourself and the world around you in the present moment.

Sagittarius, like Gemini, inspires us to learn new things. We seek expansion when we align with this higher vibration. We travel the world in search of new insights and perspectives. We take in information and try to incorporate it into what we already know. We also believe that everything will turn out as it should, even in the face of adversity. Sagittarius allows us to see life as a never-ending journey of discovering new truths. There are always new truths to discover and new perspectives to incorporate into our existing knowledge.

Sagittarius demonstrates our consciousness’ infinite potential and encourages us to expand it at every opportunity. We become more open to receiving new truths and taking risks at this frequency. We believe in the journey of life and recognize that even if we make mistakes, we are still learning. Life becomes an evolving experience with no failures, wrong turns, or mistakes. There are simply new realities to encounter, which will raise our consciousness to new heights.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, loses faith. We lose faith in ourselves, our paths, and even the Universe when we align with this vibration. We question the meaning of our existence and allow ourselves to become engulfed in a downward spiral of questions that even the greatest philosophers cannot answer.

Sagittarius, at its worst, causes us to have an existential crisis, preventing us from moving forward in life. We become trapped in an endless loop of thought, unable to move forward and questioning the point of everything. We ponder the meaning of our lives and everything that has happened to us. We anticipate disappointment and have a pessimistic outlook on our journey. We are controlled by fear-based decisions, and we may even begin to assume worst-case scenarios, focusing on the negative. Life starts to seem pointless.

If you find yourself in this Sagittarius frequency, take even the smallest step forward into something new. Even if you are unable to take a large leap, find a way to bring newness into your life. Take a risk in any direction to make a breakthrough. Remind yourself of the greater purpose of your life and concentrate on the positive aspects of a past event, even if they are difficult to find. Take a step back and consider what your life is all about.

As you begin to recognize some of these energies within yourself, remember that it is fine to keep lower energies in your field. We all do it at times. Being aware of them changes everything and allows for a higher vibration to enter. The Full Moon can teach you how to take huge leaps of faith in order to overcome fear and find greater meaning. It can then assist you in applying these higher lessons to your entire life. We can’t all sit on a mountaintop and think about life forever. The true journey begins when you can apply what you’ve learned on your great quests to the smaller moments of life. This Full Moon can help you understand how to find big ideas and put them to use when you’re stuck in traffic, changing a diaper, or gathering the courage to speak up in a meeting. Whatever adventure calls to you, now is the time to go for it.

Other Astrological Aspects Influencing the Full Moon

Each full Moon brings us new energy and even different themes than previous Moons. Other planets make aspects to the full Moon, shifting the vibrations we feel from the event and making this Sagittarius full Moon feel different from last year’s.

The Moon trines Mars in Leo during the current full Moon in Sagittarius, adding more fire to the day. Trines happen when two celestial bodies are 120 degrees apart. They are advantageous aspects that allow the vibrations of each planet to harmonize with the vibrations of the other planet.

Mars is the planet of passionate love. It inspires us to seek out and pursue our greatest passions in life. This planet also teaches us when to fight for what we believe in and when to stand firm like a confident warrior. Leo assists us in confronting our vulnerabilities and even embracing them as strengths.

When Mars enters Leo, we gain extra strength to follow our hearts. This transit encourages us to take an extra step into a new adventure that is in line with who we truly are. Allow yourself to express and pursue your interests. Allow others to see what you are passionate about.

It’s also important to keep the art of non-attachment in mind. Mars in Leo is intense and can cause us to cling to things that should be let go. It’s a good time to consider why you’re attached to certain things and whether or not this attachment is rooted in your ego or identity. If you find yourself fighting to stay alive during this transit, consider why.

Mars in Leo brings enthusiasm. You may feel ready to take on a new mission, excited about a new path, or fearless. Feel your inner warrior and know that you are ready to face any challenges that come your way. Lead yourself with passion and heart into uncharted territory full of unknown possibilities.

There are a few other factors to consider that do not involve the Moon or Sun but still have an impact on the energy of the day. Venus enters Cancer and opposes Pluto in Aquarius. Venus is the planet of love, and it connects us to our hearts. Venus in Cancer reminds us to take care of our hearts, nourish them, and let them lead. Pluto rules over transformation. It brings its transformation to the collective in Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius assists us in healing and understanding what we bring to society during this lifetime.

This full Moon’s opposition between Venus and Pluto illuminates issues related to the heart. It’s time to feel for any wounds in this area and ask if they’re preventing you from moving forward. This Moon can help you find silver linings and higher meaning in your heartbreak. But first, you must become aware of the lessons you’ve learned from your heartbreak and how those lessons have assisted you in discovering some truth about yourself.

With this full Moon in Sagittarius, we have another aspect to work with. Jupiter in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces, or lands 60 degrees apart. Sagittarius’ ruling planet is Jupiter. Its energy has a significant impact on the full Moon. Jupiter in Taurus invites us to slow down and appreciate our expansion. It invites us to observe ourselves unfolding rather than moving through life unconsciously. Jupiter in Taurus allows you to connect deeply with yourself and experience your ability to create abundance.

We are asked to reconsider our commitments as Jupiter sextiles Saturn. Consider what adventures you are willing to commit to and whether those adventures will expand you. Feel your potential calling to you, even if you have to slow down to listen. Align with Jupiter’s energy in Taurus to feel your resilience and know that the Universe and yourself are always there for you. You are your own safety net, so take the leap in front of you with the knowledge that you will always be held and nurtured.

We all have a Sun and Moon sign, but we also have a Jupiter sign, which is where Jupiter was when we were born. Sagittarius’ ruling planet is Jupiter. Jupiter is also activated on the full Moon in Sagittarius, which influences how you experience the full Moon. Jupiter shows you where you have room to grow in your natal chart. It also demonstrates how you deal with abundance, leaps of faith, and luck. It can reveal where you are not reaching your full potential and where you are underestimating yourself. On the full Moon in Sagittarius, this is amplified.

Your Invitation

The full Moon in Sagittarius is an auspicious time to confront and transform fears. Fear has a way of taking up residence in our bodies. While it is frequently at the forefront of our minds, it can also change our perceptions and behavior subconsciously. Fear can be stored in various parts of the physical, energetic, and emotional bodies. Fear, on the other hand, is always teaching us something. It can give us wisdom and help us understand ourselves better. It can shed light on the roadblocks and obstacles that keep us from realizing our dreams.

Fear will always pay us a visit, but we do not have to let it dictate our actions or derail our plans in any way. Simply listening to it, acknowledging it, and moving it out of our bodies is all that is required. By confronting our fears, we gain control over them and the course of our lives.

Remind yourself that this full Moon in Sagittarius is a journey of truth as you work with it. Consider what adventures are calling to you and remain open to the truths they reveal. Then decide whether you are prepared to face those truths right now. If the answer is yes, face your fears, take a risk, and trust that you will create the best-case scenario. Release anything blocking you and step forward into a new adventure.

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