Home Consciousness How Daily Tarot Readings Can Help You on Your Journey of Self-discovery: Step-by-step Process

How Daily Tarot Readings Can Help You on Your Journey of Self-discovery: Step-by-step Process

by consciousreminder
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by Tanya Brum,
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

Tarot cards can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

For those who are new to the concept of Tarot — Tarot is a system of divination that uses a deck of cards, known as tarot cards, to gain insight into a person’s life, situation, or future. The most known deck is Rider Waite Smith and many other decks follow its symbolism, but there are Thoth, Tarot de Marseille, and others that are not as widely known. A Tarot deck usually consists of Major Arcana cards (22 cards), and Minor Arcana cards (56 cards) that are further divided into four suits — Swords, Cups, Wands, and Pentacles, each emphasizing its own element and features.

Tarot cards have been used for centuries and are often associated with mysticism and the occult, though lately, they have also gained popularity as a tool for personal reflection and guidance. So, how can Tarot help you on your journey of self-discovery? And what is self-discovery? Do I discover myself? And how do I do that?

Basically yes, self-discovery is a process of gaining a better understanding of yourself. In a sense you do discover yourself or maybe even better – rediscover yourself. This includes realizing your values have changed, your beliefs, and maybe even the entire belief system. When you realize these changes, you may discover that your weaknesses and your strengths have changed, or even your passion in life, and consequently your goals. So, yes, the process of self-discovery includes introspection, self-reflection, and exploration to uncover your true identity and make sense of your experiences.

Self-discovery is an ongoing process – as a matter of fact, it can be a lifelong journey. People usually describe this process as transformative and empowering. Consequently, self-discovery leads to personal growth, improved self-esteem, and a better sense of direction in life. But how exactly is it done?

You can use daily tarot readings and they can be a valuable practice for gaining insight into your thoughts, emotions, and life circumstances.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use Tarot cards for self-discovery with daily readings. Before we dive into describing a process, you will need to choose a Tarot Deck. I suggest that you select one that resonates with you and if you’re a beginner I recommend a deck that belongs to Rider Waite Smith symbolism.

1. Create a quiet space where you won’t be easily distracted.

Decide when it’s best to do it. My suggestion is the morning, so you can reflect in the evening. You may want to light a candle, play soft music, or meditate for a few minutes to center yourself before the reading. This way you’ll create your own ritual – that will add a tone of sanctity and make it yours and above all special. It does not have to take more than 5 to 10 minutes.

2. Now it’s time to shuffle and focus on a specific question or intention related to your self-discovery.

The question can be open-ended, such as “What do I need to know today?” or more specific, like “How can I better understand my emotions today?” Once you feel ready, draw a single Tarot card from the deck. If you’re a bit more advanced in Tarot, you can also draw two or three cards. The cards you pull, represent the energy or guidance for the day. Take some time to look at the card and consider its imagery, symbolism, and your immediate emotional reaction to it. Ask yourself what the card may be trying to convey to you. If needed, consult a Tarot guidebook or online resources for the traditional meanings of the card, but also trust your intuition and personal interpretation. Consider how the card’s symbolism relates to your current situation or emotions.

3. This is really important – journal your daily readings. Keep a Tarot journal to record your daily readings – write down the card you drew, your initial thoughts and feelings, and any insights or realizations that come to you as you contemplate the card.

4. And this is even more important – set intentions or affirmations for the day.

How can you apply the card’s message to your daily life? What actions can you take to align with its energy?

5. Whenever possible, revisit your daily Tarot card and journal about your experiences in the evening.

Did the card’s message resonate with your day? What did you learn about yourself or your circumstances?

Over time, you will develop a deeper connection with your Tarot deck and your intuition. Trust your inner guidance and let the cards be a tool for self-discovery and personal growth. Remember that Tarot is not about predicting the future. Instead, it is about gaining insights into your present and past, which can help you make informed choices and grow as an individual.

Tarot can be a wonderful tool that encourages self-reflection and self-awareness, and how you interpret the cards is deeply personal, making it a valuable resource for those on the path to self-discovery.

About the Author: Discover clarity and insight with Tanya Brum, a seasoned tarot reader with more than 25 years of experience, known for developing unique tarot spreads and a system for daily tarot reading. Visit her website tarotsparks.com for illuminating articles and personalized tarot guidance. Unveil hidden truths and empower your journey with her compassionate and intuitive approach.

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